Anecdotal evidence!
Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. When compared to other types of evidence, anecdotal evidence is generally regarded as limited in value due to a number of potential weaknesses. [Wikipedia]
One overblown anecdote changes European History
Anecdotal evidence is scientifically weak but extremely powerful as a manipulation tool by the media even if the story is wrong or has been distorted.
- Dead Syrian Kid Pic Worked: Media Changed Public Perception ...
- Aylan Kurdi's father ''has deceived the whole world''
See also Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies
One powerful anecdotal story, like the one of Aylan Kurdi moved Angela Merkel and the entire European continent, was used to open Germany's borders to a million Muslim immigrants, including numerous jihadist warriors and terrorist and changed the history of Europe forever
Anecdotes can be tested scientifically
The anti-racist Left does not want us to know that their pet anecdotes can be tested scientifically.
- Generalizability: is the anecdote typical or a rare exception?
This can be tested using statistical hypothesis testing, according to the scientific method. - The Veracity of an individual anecdote
can be tested using criminalistic analysis. (witnesses, corroborative or damning evidence, surveillance recordings, DNA evidence). Most anti-racist anecdotes turn out to be Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies.
Anecdotal evidence lacks scientific or legal weight
Anecdotal evidence that does not fit the anti-racist narrative is discarded, considered racist, hate speech, or prohibited by Media Codes
See Sensational Violence, Human Dignity, Young Persons: True Speech Not Permissible
Examples for anecdotal stories
Man bites dog
- "Men typically bite dogs" is a scientific hypotheses that can be verified with hypothesis testing according to the scientific method. We can check statistics about the frequency of "dog bites man" vs. "man bites dog".
- We can check video or eyewitness evidence of the individual case of "man bites dog" to see if the story is truthful. The statistical evidence of (1) is very important: because "man bites dog" is statistically exceedingly rare we can demand a higher burden of evidence to believe the anecdote.
White man rapes Black woman (or veiled Muslim woman)
- In US government statistics, the rape of black women by white men are virtually zero [81, 82, 83, 84]. Of course, we are brainwashed to believe the opposite because Hollywood movies invert reality (social engineering)
- Once we know that gang rape of black women by white men is exceedingly rare, Bayes' statistics indicates that a scientist should demand an extra high burden of proof before believing unlikely stories like the Duke Lacrosse Hoax [73, 74, 75] or of the type "man bites dog".
- exceedingly rare should be met with the same healthy skepticism as "man bites dog" stories and thus requires heightened level of evidence to be believed.
Anecdote abuse by Anti-Racist Left
Anecdotes are personal stories. They are extremely powerful to influence people or influence masses.
The "racism taboo" allows Anti-Racists to use anecdotes very cunningly.
"Racism accusations" are the anti-racists' weapon of choice to put an end any criminalistic or statistical evidence that counter an anecdote that fits the anti-racist narrative.
On the other hand, anecdotes that contradict the anti-racist narrative are repressed by an institutionalized Code of Silence and press codes.
Naive ignorance about race kills
"Testimonial" more credible than Statistical Evidence
Single cases that fit the anti-racist narrative are overblown in the media to have a strong effect on the public, causing riots or justifying Merkel's general opening of borders. One heartthrob story impresses more than n=100000 heartless statistics data
Racism Taboo Prevents counter-taboo stories
At the same time hundreds of rapes, murders and beatings are covered up and terror acts are "isolated cases".
It cannot be underestimated how manipulative the Racism taboo is, how this misinforms the world population, changes elections, policies, and finally world history.
The Code of Silence and especially the Press code & AP style books explicitly prohibit telling the racist truth. Our solution is to Reappropriate the term "Racist". Reclaim Racism
See Code of Silence
Colin Flaherty amasses anecdotal evidence ...
... of Black vs. White crime, black vs. Jew, Black vs. East Asian, Black vs. handicapped, Black vs. senior citizen crime.
- Colin Flaherty - Official Site
- Videos of Colin Flaherty
- White Girl Bleed a Lot - Official SiteArticles: Colin Flaherty Archives - American Thinker
- Colin Flaherty - WND
- Don't Make the Black Kids Angry': The Hoax of Black V… Black people are relentless victims of relentless white violence, often at the end of a badge -- for No Reason What So Ever.
Colin Flaherty's intention is to show clear patterns by collating hundreds of rarely mentioned stories. He challenges people to make a similar collection of White vs. Black crime. Judging from the number of crime Hoaxes it seems that true stories of Black victimization by white criminals are hard to come by.
See also Race differences in criminality
Anti-Racists' narrative is so faulty, they cannot even find a few anecdotes. They have to resort to Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies or outright lies.
Black crime statistics very high, wildly out of proportion.
Black Lies Matter - Blacks Lives Matter is a lie
Black Thugs Matter: Glorification of Felons
"Racist", anecdotal, powerful stories
How I Saw the Light About Race (Part II) Part I, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, and Part VIII
- Chinese Girl in the Ghetto
- Swedish kids beg to leave 95% immigrant school after beatings and strangling : "When one of the boys said he did not want to play football because the immigrants cheat, two of them attacked him. It ended with this boy being completely covered in blood before some adults intervened.”[...] The principal took the side of the immigrant kids who were attacking Swedish kids, and she instructed the Swedish kids to “walk away” when there was trouble.
Note the anti-racist principal's understanding for criminals and failure to defend the human right of law abiding white children for physical safety.
See also No Human Rights for non-criminals
Unequal treatment, unequal rights
- My first experiences with diversity (A Jew's Forced school busing to Black School): "The moment class was over, and I stepped outside, they were all waiting for me. Nearly 30 blacks stood around me slapping me, throwing things at me, insulting me with racial slurs and threatening me. More blacks joined in from other classes. It was a true mob attack – but I showed no fear at all. [...] Just then, a stone whizzed past my head just missing me and hitting the wall in front of me with a loud thump. "
- Shocking violence on Kansas City public bus – Narrative Collapse : Yes, innocent law abiding Blacks also are victims of PC's lack of law and order and rigor
See Black Lives Matter to Racists
- How I Saw the Light About Race (Part II) - American Renaissance: "
At this point, in 1977, mandatory busing of blacks to white schools and vice versa was in full force. That first year of public school opened my eyes to the race problem. On my first day, I was attacked in the hallway by a group of blacks. As they were beating me, I asked them why and one shouted, “Because you’re white!” During the next six years until I graduated, so many bad things happened to me at the hands of blacks that I could never write them all down in 200 words. I was mugged at knife point for a dollar, forced to bring blacks money and food, called “white boy” constantly, kicked, tripped, and beaten.
One day, when I was about 16, I was attacked while walking to school by about 20 little black kids. As they were punching and kicking me, one of them said, “My daddy said all white people is da devil!” Another said, “Your granddaddy used to own my granddaddy!”
The last straw for me came later in my mid-20s. I was living with my soon-to-be wife in an apartment in a white part of town. In the middle of the day, a black guy was walking down the street picking up newspapers on lawns, carrying them to front doors, and knocking. A white woman across the street from us opened the door when he knocked. I learned later that he forced his way in and raped her. Then he walked down the street and got on a bus back home to Newark.
After that, it was my turn for white flight. We moved to the whitest place we could find: Vermont. Living without blacks for the last 27 years has been a joy."
Racial Differences in Morality and Abstract Thinking
See also German translation
An American explains his personal experiences after 30 years life in Africa. Blacks (in general, on average), he claims, lack certain concepts so much that even their languages don't have terminology for them.
Note we ourselves would not dare to make such unproven claims
I noticed, for example, that Africans rarely kept promises and saw no need to apologize when they broke them. It was as if they were unaware they had done anything that called for an apology.
It took many years for me to understand why Africans behaved this way but I think I can now explain this and other behavior that characterizes Africa. I believe that morality requires abstract thinking—as does planning for the future—and that a relative deficiency in abstract thinking may explain many things that are typically African. [...]
I quote from an article in the South African press about the problems blacks have with mathematics:
[Xhosa] is a language where polygon and plane have the same definition . . . where concepts like triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, hexagon are defined by only one word. (“Finding New Languages for Maths and Science,” Star [Johannesburg], July 24, 2002, p. 8.)
More accurately, these concepts simply do not exist in Xhosa, which, along with Zulu, is one of the two most widely spoken languages in South Africa. [...]
White rule in South Africa ended in 1994. It was about ten years later that power outages began, which eventually reached crisis proportions. The principle reason for this is simply lack of maintenance on the generating equipment. Maintenance is future-oriented, and the Zulu entry in the dictionary for it is ondla, which means: “1. Nourish, rear; bring up; 2. Keep an eye on; watch (your crop).” In short, there is no such thing as maintenance in Zulu thought, and it would be hard to argue that this is wholly unrelated to the fact that when people throughout Africa say “nothing works,” it is only an exaggeration.
The New York Times reports that New York City is considering a plan (since implemented) aimed at getting blacks to “do well on standardized tests and to show up for class,” by paying them to do these things and that could “earn [them] as much as $500 a year.” Students would get money for regular school attendance, every book they read, doing well on tests, and sometimes just for taking them. Parents would be paid for “keeping a full-time job . . . having health insurance . . . and attending parent-teacher conferences.” (Jennifer Medina, “Schools Plan to Pay Cash for Marks,” New York Times, June 19, 2007.)
The clear implication is that blacks are not very motivated. Motivation involves thinking about the future and hence about things that do not exist. Given black deficiencies in this regard, it is not surprising that they would be lacking in motivation, and having to prod them in this way is further evidence for such a deficiency.
The Zulu entry for “motivate” is banga, under which we find “1. Make, cause, produce something unpleasant; . . . to cause trouble . . . . 2. Contend over a claim; . . . fight over inheritance; . . . 3. Make for, aim at, journey towards . . . .” Yet when I ask Africans what banga means, they have no idea. In fact, no Zulu word could refer to motivation for the simple reason that there is no such concept in Zulu; and if there is no such concept there cannot be a word for it. This helps explain the need to pay blacks to behave as if they were motivated.[...]
Africans also tend to litter. To understand this we must ask why whites don’t litter, at least not as much. We ask ourselves: “What would happen if everyone threw rubbish everywhere? It would be a mess. So you shouldn’t do it!” Blacks’ possible deficiency in abstract thinking makes such reasoning more difficult, so any behavior requiring such thinking is less likely to develop in their cultures. Even after living for generations in societies where such thinking is commonplace, many may still fail to absorb it.
It should go without saying that my observations about Africans are generalizations. I am not saying that none has the capacity for abstract thought or moral understanding. I am speaking of tendencies and averages, which leave room for many exceptions.
To what extent do my observations about Africans apply to American blacks? American blacks have an average IQ of 85, which is a full 15 points higher than the African average of 70. The capacity for abstract thought is unquestionably correlated with intelligence, and so we can expect American blacks generally to exceed Africans in these respects.
Still, American blacks show many of the traits so striking among Africans: low mathematical ability, diminished abstract reasoning, high crime rates, a short time-horizon, rudeness, littering, etc. If I had lived only among American blacks and not among Africans, I might never have reached the conclusions I have, but the more extreme behavior among Africans makes it easier to perceive the same tendencies among American blacks.[Source: Racial Differences in Morality and Abstract Thinking]
Book Review: Face To Face With Race
Amazon: Face to Face with Race.
You don’t feel sympathy with numbers, you feel sympathy for people. The academy won’t have anything similar—no researcher could possibly touch the topic without being subject to summary academic execution. Newspapers won’t publish the more suggestive accounts, preferring very carefully sanitized human interest stories which highlight only the most positive examples of race relations.
The book draws from a wide-range of experiences—likely to avoid being lambasted with the charge of low-status demographics, that is, the sort everyone loves to dredge up and drag across the front page of every tired, Brahmin publication: disaffected, poor, bigoted, hateful, spiteful, white men from the rural south, who have IQs lower than Sarah Palin’s.
All sorts of occupations and characters are featured: a teacher, a subway conductor, a firefighter, a steel worker, prisoners, lawyers, right-wingers, leftists. The list continues.
A lawyer:
“I represented a [black] woman who was on trial for drugs; she wore a baseball cap with a marijuana leaf embroidered on it” (p. 160).
A teacher:
“Many of my black students would repeat themselves over and over again — just louder. It was as if they suffered from Tourette syndrome. They seemed to have no conception of waiting for an appropriate time to say something. They would get ideas in their heads and simply had to shout them out. I might be leading a discussion on government and suddenly be interrupted: “We gotta get more Democrats! Clinton, she good!” The student may seem content with that outburst but two minutes later, he would suddenly start yelling again: “Clinton good!”” (p. 76-77).
A firefighter:
“The undeserved weight of command has taken a toll on other women officers as well. One lady lieutenant and the engine crew she commanded were first to arrive at a house fire in a living room over a garage. Standard SFFD practice required her to take her crew with hoses up the front stairs, kick in the door, and put out the fire. She made a chicken-hearted assessment and changed tactics. After telling her crew to “Get back, it’s too hot,” she ordered them to attempt to break the living room windows with the hose stream, hoping the water would magically find its way to the fire. It didn’t; in fact the windows wouldn’t even break.
The second-arriving lieutenant and his crew knew what to do. They shouldered her aside, took her hose from her, ran up the stairs, kicked in the door and put out the fire. The embarrassed woman officer did the expected and filed a complaint with the department’s EEOC office, claiming that the brutish crew made sexist remarks when they took her hose and put out the fire. Back in quarters, following the fire, the cowardly woman officer, thinking she was alone, was seen in tears, muttering to herself and punching herself in the face. At the next annual SFFD charity chili cook-off, one group of chefs wanted to use her warning, “Get back, it’s too hot!” as their motto but decided against it for fear of another EEOC complaint” (p. 68-69).
Confessions of a Public Defender
[...]When I am appointed to represent a client I introduce myself and explain that I am his lawyer. I explain the court process and my role in it, and I ask the client some basic questions about himself. At this stage, I can tell with great accuracy how people will react. Hispanics are extremely polite and deferential. An Hispanic will never call me by my first name and will answer my questions directly and with appropriate respect for my position. Whites are similarly respectful.
A black man will never call me Mr. Smith; I am always “Mike.” It is not unusual for a 19-year-old black to refer to me as “dog.” A black may mumble complaints about everything I say, and roll his eyes when I politely interrupt so I can continue with my explanation. Also, everything I say to blacks must be at about the third-grade level. If I slip and use adult language, they get angry because they think I am flaunting my superiority.[...]
Most blacks are unable to speak English well. They cannot conjugate verbs. They have a poor grasp of verb tenses. They have a limited vocabulary. They cannot speak without swearing. They often become hostile on the stand. Many, when they testify, show a complete lack of empathy and are unable to conceal a morality based on the satisfaction of immediate, base needs. This is a disaster, especially in a jury trial. Most jurors are white, and are appalled by the demeanor of uneducated, criminal blacks.
Prosecutors are delighted when a black defendant takes the stand. It is like shooting fish in a barrel. However, the defense usually gets to cross-examine the black victim, who is likely to make just as bad an impression on the stand as the defendant. This is an invaluable gift to the defense, because jurors may not convict a defendant—even if they think he is guilty—if they dislike the victim even more than they dislike the defendant. [...]
My client was the one who beat the girl. When he asked me, “What are our chances at trial?” I said, “Not so good.” He immediately got angry, raised his voice, and accused me of working with the prosecution. I asked him how he thought a jury would react to the video. “They don’t care,” he said. I told him the jury would probably feel deeply sympathetic towards these two women and would be angry at him because of how he treated them. I asked him whether he felt bad for the women he had beaten and terrorized. He told me what I suspected—what too many blacks say about the suffering of others: “What do I care? She ain’t me. She ain’t kin. Don’t even know her.”[...]
I have often tracked down the man’s father–in jail–and have brought him to the sentencing hearing to testify that he never knew his son and never lifted a finger to help him. Often, this is the first time my client has ever met his father. These meetings are utterly unemotional.
Many black defendants don’t even have mothers who care about them. Many are raised by grandmothers after the state removes the children from an incompetent teenaged mother. Many of these mothers and grandmothers are mentally unstable, and are completely disconnected from the realities they face in court and in life. A 47-year-old grandmother will deny that her grandson has gang ties even though his forehead is tattooed with a gang sign or slogan. When I point this out in as kind and understanding way as I can, she screams at me. When black women start screaming, they invoke the name of Jesus and shout swear words in the same breath.
Black women have great faith in God, but they have a twisted understanding of His role. They do not pray for strength or courage. They pray for results: the satisfaction of immediate needs. One of my clients was a black woman who prayed in a circle with her accomplices for God’s protection from the police before they would set out to commit a robbery. [...]
I am a liberal. I believe that those of us who are able to produce abundance have a moral duty to provide basic food, shelter, and medical care for those who cannot care for themselves. I believe we have this duty even to those who can care for themselves but don’t. This world view requires compassion and a willingness to act on it.
My experience has taught me that we live in a nation in which a jury is more likely to convict a black defendant who has committed a crime against a white. Even the dullest of blacks know this. There would be a lot more black-on-white crime if this were not the case.
However, my experience has also taught me that blacks are different by almost any measure to all other people. They cannot reason as well. They cannot communicate as well. They cannot control their impulses as well. They are a threat to all who cross their paths, black and non-black alike. [Source: Confessions of a Public Defender]
Urban Law 101 - American Renaissance
What Integration Means for White Prisoners
Confessions of a Public Defender - American Renaissance
A White Teacher Speaks Out - American Renaissance
&&& examples and links needed; drowned boy, Michael Brown, ...
&&&Hoaxes are a learning experience!!
Press code & apa style books prevent such powerful testimonials from being used to inform the public and to counteract anti-racist brainwashing.
A few detailed testimonials about gang rapes would cause strong "prejudice" against "disadvantaged minorities" that overproportionally engage in such practices. (as can be shown by "racist statistics")
Anecdotal evidence
First Person Account
Going to a Black School Made Me Proud to Be White
March 28, 2020
"Nobody deserves to have a childhood like mine."
Seeing the Light, Darkly
March 21, 2020
Some patterns just can't be ignored.
What It’s Like to Teach Whites . . . and What It’s Like to Teach Blacks
March 14, 2020
The biggest difference isn't intelligence — it's violence.
I Used to Support Bernie Sanders — Now I’m a Race Realist
March 7, 2020
A white woman wakes up.
I Was Liberal Until I Lived in a Los Angeles Barrio. Now I’m a Race Realist.
February 29, 2020
Multiculturalism is far from paradise.
How I Discovered My White Identity
February 23, 2020
A teenager in New York City tells his story.
Rape, Impunity, and White Identity
February 19, 2020
The crime that forced one white woman to wake up.
First-Person Accounts of the Reality of Race
February 8, 2020
Some truths are learned the hard way.
A Police Officer’s View of Race
October 25, 2019
Race is part of practically everything an officer does.
[... continue at First Person Account]
NOT anecdotal evidence but statistics
Detailed statistics, crime rates of cities or countries, would be scientific data. These need to be backed up by showing how the data was collected, which usually is government, media, or academic statistics.
Being a White farmer in South Africa is statistically one of the most dangerous jobs on Earth, and you’re twice as likely to be murdered as a White farmer than as a police officer in South Africa. The rate of murder victimization for commercial farmers in South Africa is an astounding 290 per 100 000—to put things in perspective, the murder rate in Detroit for 2015 was 44 per 100 000. [therightstuff]
The 2015/2016 New Years' Cologne grope and rape crisis was thus covered up.
Anecdotal evidence is evidence from anecdotes, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony. When compared to other types of evidence, anecdotal evidence is generally regarded as limited in value due to a number of potential weaknesses.
Anecdotal evidence is sometimes considered within the scope of scientific method. For example the use of case studies in medicine rely on anecdotal evidence, because some anecdotal evidence can be both empirical and verifiable. However, other anecdotal evidence does not qualify as scientific evidence because its nature prevents it from being investigated using the scientific method.
Where only one or a few anecdotes are presented, there is a larger chance that they may be unreliable due to cherry-picked or otherwise non-representative samples of typical cases.[1][2] Similarly, psychologists have found that due to cognitive bias people are more likely to remember notable or unusual examples rather than typical examples.[3] Thus, even when accurate anecdotal evidence is not necessarily representative of a typical experience. Accurate determination of whether an anecdote is "typical" requires statistical evidence.[4] Misuse of anecdotal evidence is an informal fallacy and is sometimes referred to as the "person who" fallacy ("I know a person who..."; "I know of a case where..." etc.) which places undue weight on experiences of close peers which may not be typical. Compare with hasty generalization. [Wikipedia]
JohnEngelmanbobjo • 5 hours ago
American Renaissance posters too young to remember the Woodstock Festival in 1969 have probably read about it. 400,000 young people, nearly all of whom were white, met at a dairy farm in New York State for a four day rock concert. There were no fights. No one was killed. The few blacks who attended were perfectly safe.
What would have happened if 125,000 mainly black young people had met for a rock concert lasting only a day? You do not need to wonder about it. This is what The Washington Post had to say:
1975 Human Kindness Day’s cruel violence
By — Jenny Pike, Silver Spring September 4, 2011
But plans were made for Human Kindness Day IV, May 10, 1975. Stevie Wonder was the main attraction, scheduled to close a show that included performances by Graham Central Station and other bands.
The crowd was huge, an estimated 125,000 people stretching from the Washington Monument west to 17th Street NW. There were sporadic assaults early in the day, but the real violence didn’t start until after Stevie Wonder’s performance.
A 22-year-old man from Vienna was standing near the base of the monument when a group of men grabbed his wallet. He gave chase and was struck in the mouth with a club. An 18-year-old from Annapolis was jumped by a group of 20 teenagers who beat him and threw bottles at him until he was able to run to an ambulance. The worst injury was to Steven Laine, who was stabbed in his right eye while cutting across the Mall on his way home from work at the Agriculture Department.
“I said, ‘Help me,’ and there was no response,” Laine told a Post reporter from his hospital bed.
By the time it was over, there had been about 500 robberies and 600 injuries, and 150 people were treated at hospitals.
The article does not say it, but nearly everyone present was black. Most of the victims were white. A friend of mine attended. He said that none of the blacks did anything to protect the whites who were attacked. They seemed to approve of what was happening.
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JohnEngelmanJohnEngelman • 5 hours ago
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IstvanINJohnEngelman • 5 hours ago
There were some recent Afro-Caribbean festival in England recently that attracted a lot of stabbings. Mysterious.
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One other person is typing…
Frank DeScushinJohnEngelman • 4 hours ago
"He said that none of the blacks did anything to protect the whites who were attacked. They seemed to approve of what was happening."
That black inaction to help a white victim of black violence or to speak out against black racism directed at whites is completely in line with everything I've read and everything I've experienced on the topic.
Black people complain that the violence of from a small minority of blacks should not be held against all of them. Yet it's not just the actual violence from the minority of blacks that non-blacks notice, it's the silence from the majority of blacks that non-blacks notice.
A majority of blacks don't stop black violence against non-blacks.
A majority of blacks lie to protect the black who acted violently or in a bigoted manner against non-blacks.
And as we've seen a majority of blacks will rally around black criminals who attacked non-blacks as we saw with OJ Simpson and Michael Brown.
People associate blacks with interracial violence not only because a minority of blacks perform it, but also because the majority of blacks seem perfectly OK with it.
I've mentioned before that I have numerous black coworkers and acquaintances in my Facebook newsfeed. After every high profile police shooting of a black suspect I see white people in my newsfeed going out of their way to condemn "this racism" even though there was no proof that racism led to the shooting.
After high profile incidents of a black person attacking white people as we saw with the Dallas police shooting, the Milwaukee riots, and the Charlotte riots, I didn't see a single black person in my newsfeed denounce the overt black-on-white violence and racism. Not a single person.
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Confessions of a Public Defender
Editor’s Note: This is just one of thirteen essays in our newly-released collection of first-hand reports about the reality of race, Face to Face with Race.]
How I Saw the Light About Race (Part III)
See parts one and two here and here.
In 2003, American Renaissance published its first collection of first-person accounts of how readers “saw the light.” Since then, we have published dozens, and they are always popular. I confess, though, that they have served a different purpose from the one I first expected.
2003 set: Part 2 | Part 3 | Original Article
How I Saw the Light About Race (Part IV)
How I Saw the Light About Race (Part VIII)
[Editor’s Note: This is the final installment of a series. See also Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, and Part VII, Diversity in the Army]
How I Learned About Blacks
Being a landlord in the ghetto is a quick education.
When I first bought rental property in East Cleveland, I was a typical suburban kid. I mostly believed what I had been told about race in college: that black underperformance was due to racism, whatever that was. At the time of my purchase in 1981, East Cleveland was still a partly white suburb with good schools, public services, and the other amenities that make suburban life comfortable. It was just two miles east of bustling University Circle, Cleveland’s cultural center. It had hospitals, factories, and businesses, and was once the home of John D. Rockefeller, the richest man in the world. Had I been more astute—or, I should say, more racially aware—I could have foreseen the disaster that East Cleveland was to become. There were still a few whites left, but I didn’t realize they were moving out so quickly.
My youthful enthusiasm was soon tempered by the reality of black behavior. After I started renting, I commented to one tenant that another tenant seemed to have a lot of visitors, including people rolling up in wheelchairs. He replied, “Don’t you know? She’s a hooker. She’s turning tricks in there!” My enlightenment continued when a tenant’s boyfriend came out with a butcher knife in his hand to ask me to repair a pipe in her unit. He had no shirt on, his pants were dangling, and I don’t think he had just been helping his girlfriend chop meat. It dawned on me that things were different here than in white suburbia.
Morality and Abstract Thinking: How Africans may differ from Westerners
Gedhalia Braun holds a PhD in philosophy and is the author of Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred and Self-Deceit. Anyone interested in reading his book can purchase it in PDF format at, or directly from Mr. Braun [contact via jmcswan(at)mweb(dot)co(dot)za]
» » » » [Locust] [American Renaissance]
Few things are more disturbing than the collaborative media silence that attends the ongoing disintegration of post-apartheid South Africa. The nation’s ruling African National Congress (ANC), led by President Jacob Zuma, is the essence of corruption in a nation with one of the highest rates of rape in the world, and a murder rate best described last September by MP Dianne Kohler Barnard of the Democratic Alliance, the nation’s second largest political party. "We have 47 murders a day,” she said. "That sort of figure is what one would expect in a war zone.”
In her book, “Into the Cannibal’s Pot" author Ilana Mercer cuts through the tyranny of political correctness that surrounds the ostensible improvement that was supposed to have emerged in that nation, following the release of Nelson Mandela from prison in 1990, and the subsequent adoption of a new constitution in 1994, enfranchising blacks and other minorities. While she rightly describes the “terrible injustice” of the apartheid regime that produced an average of 7,036 people murdered per year, she reveals the Western-celebrated ANC government saw an average of 24,026 murders annually in the first eight years of its existence.
The South African government currently estimates there are 31 murders per 100,000 people per year, which comes out to about 50 per day. That ranks the nation above drug cartel-infested Mexico, the nation of Rwanda that endured the slaughter of 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu sympathizers in the ‘90s, and Sudan, where the government of Sudanese President Omer al-Bashir precipitated the mass slaughter and rape of Darfuri men, women and children that continues to this day. That would be the very same Omer al-Bashir the ANC allowed to leave South Africa on June 15, ignoring a pending arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC), which had charged him with multiple counts of genocide and crimes against humanity. In doing so, the ANC violated South Africa’s international legal commitments and its own constitution.
The same stench of ANC corruption applies to the aforementioned murder statistics: outside groups believe the murder rate is actually double that total admitted by the government.
Moreover, white Boer farmers remain a primary target. According to the Times of London, over 4,000 of them were murdered since the end of apartheid in a nation rated six on a scale of eight for genocide by Genocide Watch. Of the 50 murders committed daily, 20 percent of the victims are white, and the black on white murder rate is approximately 95 percent.
Some of the carnage is attributable to Zuma himself. In 2013 he led a crowd in a song promoting the murder of the Boers. “We are going to shoot them with machine guns, they are going to run… The cabinet will shoot them, with the machine gun… Shoot the Boer, we are going to hit them, they are going to run,” Zuma chanted. Hence it is no surprise the murder rate of white farmers is quadruple that of the rest of the population.
South Africa’s rape statistics are equally appalling. Approximately half a million rapes occur on an annual basis, of which only one in nine are reported. This amounts to 132.4 rapes per 100,000 people per year, far and away the highest total in the world. Many of those rapes are of the “corrective” variety, precipitated by legions of men who believe that raping a lesbian will “cure" them of their homosexuality. “There is a clear sense of entitlement to women’s bodies which underlies the general rape pandemic, and no doubt the attack of lesbian women or women who read as gender non-conforming,” says Emily Craven, policy and program manager at ActionAid South Africa, one of the first charities to document the use of "corrective rape." “The notion that women do not need men for either economic support or sexual pleasure is one that is deeply threatening to entrenched patriarchal values.” Those same patriarchal values undoubtedly factor into the reality that for every 25 men brought to trial for rape, 24 will be freed.
They also factor into predictably twisted attitudes. According to research group CIET, an anti-violence NGO, 20 per cent of rapists insisted the victim “asked for it.” A related survey reveals 25 percent of Soweto schoolboys described as “fun" the local term for gang rape known as “jackrolling.”
A Marine Veteran Writes On Teaching Marksmanship To Black Recruits In The ’60s
What I Learned in Kindergarten | American Renaissance
[...] Spending nearly three years trying in vain to educate (or even control) uncivilized, unintelligent, impulsive, violent, illiterate five- to ten-year-olds, all the while being told that “Every Child CAN Learn,” and that any failure to do so is the fault of incompetent teachers.
During this time, I had suffered through several “evaluations” by my principals, where every little detail of my lessons were critiqued, and every disruptive or off-task act by my students counted as a “lost point” on my overall score.
If I objected, the principal would point to the new teacher next door and say, “Well, Mrs. Hudson is new, and she can control her class.”
Of course, I couldn’t point out that Mrs. Hudson is a 40-year-old, six-foot-tall, three-hundred pound black woman who terrifies me, let alone her students. That would be “racist.” So I persisted in my Sisyphean efforts for months and months, until my psyche just gave out.