Scientific Honesty, Integrity Compromised by Racism Taboo
Intellectual Dishonesty
Intellectual dishonesty is a biased, dishonest attitude:
- The PC faith of Egalitarianism and anti-racism interfere with the pursuit of truth;
- Relevant facts and information are purposefully omitted when they contradict one's egalitarian hypothesis;
- Facts are presented in a biased manner, and twisted to give misleading impressions or to support the egalitarian PC view over any other;
- Intentionally committed fallacies in debates and reasoning are called intellectual dishonesty.
This inversion of Wikipedia's "Intellectual honesty" definition [22] is a perfect description of politically correct anti-racist science, research, journalism.
The racism taboo is the root cause for exceptions to our civilization's customary honesty, frankness and openness and unbiased scientific search for the truth. But #TheTruthIsRacist, races are different
See also Racism-taboo, cause for dishonesty
Scientific Honesty compromised
Scientific Honesty (aka integrity or intellectual honesty) has been severely compromised. "Scientific racism" that points to race differences in IQ or crime must be repressed mercilessly.
James Watson Racist Nobel Laureate
Dishonest science leads to faulty conclusions
See also Science Fraud (DV) by PC
Dishonest junk science leads astray voting and policy decisions.
Voter Manipulation changes elections
Avoiding Racism is so important that it justifies all exceptions to civilized behavior. Racism-phobia is at the core motive for dishonesty and lies. Thus 4Racisms main hypothesis that Reappropriation of "Racism" is a Necessity.
Details at Reappropriate "Racist": a Necessity
Note that Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and the entire philosophies of desconstructivism and more have made dishonesty and lies perfectly acceptable [&&&& needs more details and links &&&]]]
Are you an honest scientist? Truthfulness in science should be an iron law, not a vague aspiration.
real science simply must be an arena where truth is the rule; or else the activity simply stops being science and becomes something else: Zombie science. Although all humans ought to be truthful at all times; science is the one area of social functioning in which truth is the primary value, and truthfulness the core evaluation. Truth-telling and truth-seeking should not, therefore, be regarded as unattainable aspirations for scientists, but as iron laws, continually and universally operative.
Med Hypotheses. 2009 Nov;73(5):633-5. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2009.05.009. Epub 2009 Jun 5.
Integrity in research |Univ. of Leicester
[...[ Conducting research with integrity means doing research in a way which allows others to have trust and confidence in your methods, your findings and any publications based on your research.
Within the University, conducting research with integrity also means meeting the professional standards expected of our researchers. These are built on five core elements: freedom of inquiry; honesty; rigour; transparency and open communication; and care and respect.
The reputation of the University as an elite, research-intensive institution is built on the consistently high-quality research conducted by our staff and students. In order for us to maintain that reputation, it is important that everyone involved in doing research continues to meet high standards of rigour and integrity.
The reason we subsidize science is because of the benefits it promises. Getting the benefits depends on scientists finding out and telling us the truth. From this point of view, then, honesty is a prime virtue of science and to be honest is a stringent duty owed to us all by scientists. Jun 26, 2012
Honesty and Science | Practical Ethics
- IQ research on race differences in unspeakable, even the father of genetic science gets destroyed for one well meant comment about African Intelligence.
See James Watson Racist Nobel Laureate
- "Racist" crime statistics must be hidden, lest people would become aware of the huge crime wave caused by Blacks, Africans, Gypsies,
See Black crime statistics very high, wildly out of proportion.
Honesty in all sciences
- History is distorted, falsified, has political emphasis to focus on right Nazi crimes, ignoring or under-emphasizing left communist, Muslim and Black genocides [History distorted and falsified]
- Journalism has institutionalized distortions to hide crimes, welfare dependency, economic and intellectual failures of Blacks and other low IQ- high crime populations
- Political Science and voting decisions are heavily influenced by distorted leftist egalitarian reporting of history and distorted and misrepresented daily news (Voter Manipulation changes elections)
- Social Sciences are fully in leftist control and became faulty quack science (Psychology research all wrong)
End of summary
Supporting texts and links follow below

You can search on your own on PIGS: Politically Incorrect Google Search [?]
Intellectual honesty|Wikiy
Intellectual honesty is an applied method of problem solving, characterized by an unbiased, honest attitude, which can be demonstrated in a number of different ways:
One's personal faith does not interfere with the pursuit of truth;
Relevant facts and information are not purposefully omitted even when such things may contradict one's hypothesis;
Facts are presented in an unbiased manner, and not twisted to give misleading impressions or to support one view over another;
References, or earlier work, are acknowledged where possible, and plagiarism is avoided.
Harvard ethicist Louis M. Guenin describes the "kernel" of intellectual honesty to be "a virtuous disposition to eschew deception when given an incentive for deception".[1]
Intentionally committed fallacies in debates and reasoning are called intellectual dishonesty.
See also
- Academic honesty
- Conflict of interest
- Epistemic feedback
- Good faith
- Intellectual
- List of fallacies
- Scientific method
- Sophism
- Systemic bias
[Source: Intellectual honesty Wikipedia]
Med Hypotheses. 2009 Nov;73(5):633-5. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2009.05.009. Epub 2009 Jun 5.
Are you an honest scientist? Truthfulness in science should be an iron law, not a vague aspiration.
Abstract: Anyone who has been a scientist for more than a couple of decades will realize that there has been a progressive and pervasive decline in the honesty of scientific communications. Yet real science simply must be an arena where truth is the rule; or else the activity simply stops being science and becomes something else: Zombie science. Although all humans ought to be truthful at all times; science is the one area of social functioning in which truth is the primary value, and truthfulness the core evaluation. Truth-telling and truth-seeking should not, therefore, be regarded as unattainable aspirations for scientists, but as iron laws, continually and universally operative. Yet such is the endemic state of corruption that an insistence on truthfulness in science seems perverse, aggressive, dangerous, or simply utopian. Not so: truthfulness in science is not utopian and was indeed taken for granted (albeit subject to normal human imperfections) just a few decades ago. Furthermore, as Jacob Bronowski argued, humans cannot be honest only in important matters while being expedient in minor matters: truth is all of a piece. There are always so many incentives to lie that truthfulness is either a habit or else it declines. This means that in order to be truthful in the face of opposition, scientists need to find a philosophical basis which will sustain a life of habitual truth and support them through the pressure to be expedient (or agreeable) rather than honest. The best hope of saving science from a progressive descent into Zombiedom seems to be a moral Great Awakening: an ethical revolution focused on re-establishing the primary purpose of science: which is the pursuit of truth. Such an Awakening would necessarily begin with individual commitment, but to have any impact it would need to progress rapidly to institutional forms. The most realistic prospect is that some sub-specialties of science might self-identify as being engaged primarily in the pursuit of truth, might form invisible colleges, and (supported by strong ethical systems to which their participants subscribe) impose on their members a stricter and more honest standard of behaviour. From such seeds of truth, real science might again re-grow. However, at present, I can detect no sign of any such thing as a principled adherence to perfect truthfulness among our complacent, arrogant and ever-more-powerful scientific leadership - and that is the group of which a Great Awakening would need to take-hold even if the movement were originated elsewhere.
- 19501471
- DOI:
- 10.1016/j.mehy.2009.05.009
- [Indexed for MEDLINE]
Integrity in research |Univ. of Leicester
A summary of what is meant by research integrity and links to further guidance about specific integrity policy and procedures
Conducting research with integrity means doing research in a way which allows others to have trust and confidence in your methods, your findings and any publications based on your research.
Within the University, conducting research with integrity also means meeting the professional standards expected of our researchers. These are built on five core elements: freedom of inquiry; honesty; rigour; transparency and open communication; and care and respect.
The reputation of the University as an elite, research-intensive institution is built on the consistently high-quality research conducted by our staff and students. In order for us to maintain that reputation, it is important that everyone involved in doing research continues to meet high standards of rigour and integrity.
Research Code of Conduct
The University’s commitment to integrity in our research is affirmed in the Research Code of Conduct. In addition, the Code sets out the professional standards that the University expects of researchers, provides guidance for researchers on good research conduct and issues relating to integrity.
We expect everyone involved in research at the University to familiarize themselves with the Code and to apply its standards to their research. The Code is available online and in PDF format.
Fear of Truth
alethophobia. Noun. (plural alethophobias) A crippling fear of truth. The inability to accept unflattering facts about your nation, religion, culture, ethnic group, or yourself. Alethophobia dictionary definition | alethophobia defined
What does alethophobia mean - Definition of alethophobia - Word finder n. 1 A fear or dislike of the truth. 2 The inability to accept unflattering facts about your nation, religion, culture, ethnic group, etc. See also: words rhyming with alethophobia, words from word "alethophobia", words starting with "a", words starting with "al", words starting with "ale", words starting with "alet", words starting with .
Urban Dictionary: veritaphobic Oct 20, 2010 - "Fear of Truth" 1. Displaying hesitation or refusal to admit or recognize that something is true, or to accept the concept of truth itself. Usually born out of fear of offending someone or being held accountable to something constant. 2. Dismissal of the existence of absolutes. 3. Degradation of people who ...
Martin Aurelio, "The Value of Truth and the Virtue of Honesty ... /May 19, 2016 ... As scientific knowledge developed, truth ultimately came to be seen as being in conflict with religion. The Christian worship of truth as God and God as truth, incarnated as Jesus Christ, gave way to the terrible realization that truth did not, in fact, accord with Christian teachings on the nature of the world.