MLK a Racist? Colorblindness is the new Racism!
The goal of the 1960s landmark civil rights legislation was to remove racial discrimination and so establish a race-blind standard. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s [7] central hope was that people would someday be judged by "the content of their character" rather than "the color of their skin".[5] [Wikipedia]
Colorblindness, the new racism
Anti-Racists judge people "not by the content of their character", but rather "by the color of their skin". Jobs, University admission and even school discipline [1, 2] depend on the color of the skin.
Martin Luther King jr., a Racist!?
Colorblindness is racist, as defined by Anti-Racists (see below). Thus, Martin Luther King jr.'s "color blindness" is racist.
Inverse Racism
Color blind equal treatment and equal opportunities did not lead to Equality of outcome. By anti-Racist equality dogma all races are equal, and the
Anti-Racists have created a system of unequal treatment, unequal rights, affirmative action, Black Privilege and Left Privilege
Martin Luther King not colorblind?
For the purpose of our argument, we use MLK's most famous statement about his dream of not juding people "by the color of their skin". It is beyond the scope of this chapter if "in reality" Martin Luther King had another attitude
King would not have supported any program of colorblind conservatism or civic nationalism. He criticized whites for not starting a “mass effort to reeducate themselves out of their racial ignorance,” thus anticipating today’s endless struggle sessions about “white privilege,” “institutional racism,” and “colorblind racism.” [See: Quit Boosting MLK]
End of summary
Supporting texts and links follow below

You can search on your own on PIGS: Politically Incorrect Google Search [?]
7 Reasons Why ‘Colorblindness’ Contributes to Racism Instead of Solves It
You’ve heard it said before. You might have been the one to say it.
“I don’t see color. I just see people.”
Or maybe: “We are all just people.” [...]
Such comments (and racial avoidance) have a name: colorblindness.
Colorblind Ideology Is a Form of Racism | Psychology Today
Colorblindness is the racial ideology that posits the best way to end discrimination is by treating individuals as equally as possible, without regard to race, culture, or ethnicity.
At its face value, colorblindness seems like a good thing — really taking MLK seriously on his call to judge people on the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. It focuses on commonalities between people, such as their shared humanity. [...]
However, colorblindness alone is not sufficient to heal racial wounds on a national or personal level. It is only a half-measure that in the end operates as a form of racism
Instead of resulting from an enlightened (albeit well-meaning) position, colorblindness comes from a lack of awareness of racial privilege conferred by Whiteness (Tarca, 2005). White people can guiltlessly subscribe to colorblindness because they are usually unaware of how race affects people of color and American society as a whole.
Color-Blindness Is Counterproductive
Many sociologists argue that ideologies claiming not to see race risk ignoring discrimination
How many times have you heard someone say that they “don’t see color,” “are colorblind,” or “don’t have a racist bone in their body?” Maybe you’ve even said this yourself. After all, the dominant language around racial issues today is typically one of colorblindness, as it’s often meant to convey distaste for racial practices and attitudes common in an earlier era.
Many sociologists, though, are extremely critical of colorblindness as an ideology. They argue that as the mechanisms that reproduce racial inequality have become more covert and obscure than they were during the era of open, legal segregation, the language of explicit racism has given way to a discourse of colorblindness. But they fear that the refusal to take public note of race actually allows people to ignore manifestations of persistent discrimination. [...]
Concurrently, it is no longer socially acceptable in many quarters to identify oneself as racist. Instead, many Americans purport not to see color. However, their colorblindness comes at a cost. By claiming that they do not see race, they also can avert their eyes from the ways in which well-meaning people engage in practices that reproduce neighborhood and school segregation, rely on “soft skills” in ways that disadvantage racial minorities in the job market, and hoard opportunities in ways that reserve access to better jobs for white peers. [...]
My colleague Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, for example, has written extensively about the idea of colorblindness, charting the ways that it functions as an ideology that legitimizes specific practices that maintain racial inequalities—police brutality, housing discrimination, voter disenfranchisement, and others. His book Racism Without Racists is part of a broad set of sociological research that draws attention to the ways that colorblind ideology undergirds bigger, more problematic social issues.
White Millennials are products of a failed lesson in colorblindness: convoluted justification why colorblindness is racism
Color Blindness | Wikipedia
The goal of the 1960s landmark civil rights legislation was to remove racial discrimination and so establish a race-blind standard. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s central hope was that people would someday be judged by "the content of their character" rather than "the color of their skin".[5] Whether color-blind policies provide the best means of achieving racial equality remains controversial.
In 1997 Leslie G. Carr published Color-Blind Racism which reviewed the history of racist ideologies in America. He saw "color-blindness" as an ideology that undercuts the legal and political foundation of integration and affirmative action. Stephanie M. Wildman, in her book Privilege Revealed: How Invisible Preference Undermines America, writes that many Americans who advocate a merit-based, race-free worldview do not acknowledge the systems of privilege which benefit them. For example, many Americans rely on a social and sometimes even financial inheritance from previous generations. She argues that this inheritance is unlikely to be forthcoming if one's ancestors were slaves, and privileges whiteness, maleness, and heterosexuality.[11]
Critics allege that majority groups use practices of color-blindness as a means of avoiding the topic of racism and accusations of racial discrimination,[12] and that color-blindness is used to undermine group legal rights gained exclusively by some minority groups.[13]
Critics assert that color-blindness allows people to ignore the racial construction of whiteness, and reinforces its privileged and oppressive position. In color-blind situations, whiteness remains the normal standard, and blackness remains different, or marginal.[14] As a result, they argue white people are able to dominate when a color-blind approach is applied because the common experiences are defined in terms which white people can more easily relate to than blacks.[15] Insistence on no reference to race, critics argue, means black people can no longer point out the racism they face.[14]
Critics of color-blindness argue that color-blindness operates under the assumption that we are living in a world that is "post-race",[16] where race no longer matters, when in fact it is still a prevalent issue. While it is true that overt racism is rare today (Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo.; 2014, p. 73), critics insist that more covert forms have taken its place (Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo.; 2014, p. 73). Eduardo Bonilla-Silva suggests that racial practices during the Jim Crow Era were typically overt and clearly racial, whereas today they tend to be covert, institutional, and apparently nonracial.[17] Another criticism is that color-blindness views racism at the individual level (e.g. Lines of reasoning such as "I don't own slaves" or "I have very close black friends" to defend oneself) without looking at the larger social mechanisms in which racism operates. In an article in the journal New Directions for Student Services, Nancy Evans and Robert Reason argued that color-blindness fails to see the "structural, institutional, and societal" levels at which inequalities occur.[18]
[Source: Color Blindness | Wikipedia]
MLK not color blind?
Some say, MLK was not really color blind. They say and this one famous statement was not typical for what MLK (Martin Luther King) stood for. This interesting discussion is beyond the scope of this sight. Color-Blindness and the Distortion of Martin Luther King Jr./a>
What is a color blind society?
Color blindness (sometimes spelled colour-blindness; also called race blindness) is a sociological term referring to the disregard of racial characteristics when selecting which individuals will participate in some activity or receive some service.
Color blindness (race) in the United States - Wikipedia,
The Left's Attack on Color-Blindness Goes Too Far
Unbeknownst to those Orange County parents, the academic left was already engaged in an effort to recast their approach to race as a kind of racial animus. Today, colorblindness is considered a “micro-aggression” at UCLA and associated in popular culture with Stephen Colbert’s right-wing blowhard alter-ego absurdly declaring, “I don’t see color.” Having savaged that straw man, critics of colorblindness mostly don’t engage the more sophisticated version of the viewpoint: a recognition that race matters very much to the world as it presently exists, coupled with the beliefs that colorblindness is a goal that we ought to strive toward and that, all else being equal, race-neutral policies are preferable in a pluralistic country, even if various race-specific remedies are still necessary today.
The alternative proposed by the academic left is an America where race is effectively presumed to be the most important feature of an individual’s identity; where white people are more conscious of race as it is experienced by blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and Native Americans; and where white people are more aware of themselves and their fellow whites as possessors of whiteness and white privilege. At its best, this newer approach to thinking about race helps Americans to see reality more fully.
A day on Campus without Black people
After protesters at a Washington state college called for a day without black people, a biology professor says he no longer feels safe on campus — and student activists complain they’re being vilified by progressive media. [nypost]
Of course, you know this cannot be true. No one would dare to be so openly racist against Black. The italic words were switched.
This is Flipping Race to show inequality.
Of course it is about
A day on Campus without WHITE people
After protesters at a Washington state college called for a day without white people, a biology professor says he no longer feels safe on campus — and student activists complain they’re being vilified by conservative media.
In a YouTube video posted on May 27, a group of students is heard calling for Weinstein to be fired. Demonstrations have involved as many as 200 students pouring into classrooms and the school president’s office.
“Hey-hey, ho-ho, these racist teachers have got to go,” the students chanted in the video.
Equal treatment for all races, opposing Black privilege and discrimination. This is RACIST und the perpetrators need to be fired. This is the issue of this chapter:
MLK Racist? Color Blindness, the new Racism.
Weinstein told news station KING that he was advised last week not to go to campus for safety reasons.
“I have been told by the Chief of Police it’s not safe for me to be on campus,” Weinstein told KING. The station notes that Weinstein has spoken out in this year against increasing the role race plays in the admissions process. [NY post]
University tells campus community to notice other people’s skin color
“Reject color blindness” is one of five pieces of advice doled out on the University of Southern Indiana’s website under the headline “five tips for becoming an ally collaborator for women of color.” [...]
“However, we do not mean to say that somehow race is not real,” it adds. “Race is, of course, real. We live in a country and a world where skin color has long been used as a way to systematize discrimination and brutality. It can have life or death consequences.”
This sentiment seems to stand in direct contradiction to the Civil Rights movement, and Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous expression: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”
But more and more universities today teach that colorblindness actually contributes to racism. In fact, the University of Southern Indiana is among dozens of institutions nationwide that have advised students in recent years to reject colorblindness, saying it amounts to white people who do not want to acknowledge race.
Today many universities tell students that the following statements are microaggressions:
“When I look at you, I don’t see color.”
“America is a melting pot.”
“There is only one race, the human race.”
Campus diversity officials argue these statements deny a person of color’s racial and ethnic experiences and deny the individual as a racial and cultural being.
UCLA Prof. Placed on Leave After Refusing to Postpone Exams for Black Students
10 Jun 2020
UCLA Professor Gordon Klein has been placed on leave after rejecting a request to postpone a final exam for black students in response to the death of George Floyd. Over 20,000 people have signed a petition that calls on UCLA officials to fire Klein. When Klein was asked to postpone black students' exams, he replied by quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: "Remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the 'color of their skin. Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK's admonition?" [..]
Students and faculty at institutions including UC San Diego have argued that universities and colleges should offer “universal passing” grades to Black students in response to the death of George Floyd.
“Thanks for your suggestion in your email below that I give black students special treatment, given the tragedy in Minnesota,” Klein wrote in an email to students. “Do you know the names of the classmates that are black? How can I identify them since we’ve been having online classes only? Are there any students that may be of mixed parentage, such as half black-half Asian? What do you suggest I do with respect to them? A full concession or just half?
“Remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the ‘color of their skin,'” Klein added. “Do you think that your request would run afoul of MLK’s admonition?”[…]
[Continue at UCLA Prof. Placed on Leave After Refusing to Postpone Exams for Black Students]