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Europeans: What Europeans Can Learn from Black/White US issues

Friends from Germany and Europe are bored about US black intelligence (IQ) and crime reports: "what does that have to do with us Germans/Italians/etc?". Answer:

The US data about low IQ high crime populations serves as an analogy, to fill in for lacking European data.


  1. In the US there is more than half a century worth of research into black IQ, criminality etc. Also half a century of affirmative action (reverse racism), integration, white flight and more.
  2. European anti-racists are not exactly eager to help similar "racist" research  about IQ, behavior, crime, income, productivity of Turks, Arabs, french North Africans and more. Thus not much data is available.

    The US data about low IQ high crime populations serves as an analogy to fill in for lacking European data.
  3. Due to more efficient suppression of data by Code of Silence with Free speech already dead in Europe even the European Right is clueless about race differences in crime and IQ &&&
  4. As one racist said "The Turks are the Blacks of Germany", many parallels can be drawn. The average IQ of US Blacks (~85) is quite similar to the average Turkish IQ.
  5. In addition to Arabs with average IQ in the 85 range, Europeans now receive Africans with average IQ in the 68 to 75 range.


More to come .........



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