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Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth

Defy PC gag orders, tell the whole truth.

You might have noticed, the Truth Revolt has not happened on the date we proposed. 

We hope it will happen at another future date.

The federal election in Germany (Sept 24 2017 [a]).can still be turned around, if the voter is told the full TRUTH about immigrant crime and violence.

Police, judges, school teachers, parents, refugee aides, statisticians, physicians, tell the truth!.

Tell the blunt and total truth about "minority" and refugee crime and misbehavior.

Fight and overcome the institutionalized Code of Silence that keeps voters ignorant.

Stop the complicity with the official lies.

Dare to speak the whole truth, even if you will be called racist, xenophobe, islamophobe. The truth will set us free!


  • Police:
    • tell the truth about how superiors and politicians order you to whitewash and omit "minority" crime details -similarly to Press code & AP style books.
    • Tell about groups of marauding or violent "youths" or non-descript "men" are usually blacks (US) or Muslims (Europe).
  • Teachers parents, students: tell the truth about mobbing, bullying, fighting, crimes perpetrated by "minority" students. Tell how these crimes are covered up and not punished with equal rigor than misbehavior by "majority" whites.

Sept. 11, 2017; Truth Day

Commemorate the 16th anniversary of 9/11/2001 [b] with a heroic action.

Tell the truth in a concerted, coordinated actions, on Sept 11, 2017, in time before the German Federal Election on Sept 24 [a]. Single whistle blowers will be disciplined, punished, fired, called liars and ignored.

Thousands who simultaneously confirm each others' factual true stories cannot easily be ignored


See in German: Wahlbetrug beenden:  Am 11.Sept.: Wahrheitsrevolution statt  Schweigekartell! 

Truth Revolt: Sept. 11: Defy gag orders, tell truth

Abortion Protest Germany -ab example of  gggCivil Disobedience



  • Refugee camp workers: tell the truth about violence, misbehavior, sexual assaults in refugee housing. Dare to violate the gag orders that are part of your job package
  •  Journalists, remember the old professional ethics, about saying the truth, unbiased reporting, uncovering government abuse. Fight the gag orders you get from your superiors, from government, and from Press code & AP style books.
  • Physicians and health professionals: inform the public about new old tropical diseases, tuberculosis, AIDS, about violent patients in pharmacies and clinics, refugees who need immediate attention in order to avoid violent riots. Tell about the need for police escorts for ambulances into no go zones, about non-compliance with medication, refusal of Muslims to be treated by a professional of the opposite sex,

Disclaimer: Don't believe me, believe science data: We don't demand anything, we don't state anything. We just demand the end of gag rules, we demand people be allowed to tell the whole truth about "minority" and refugee crime and misbehavior.


Press code & AP style books

The German PresseKodex codifies the gag rules, unworthy of a free press and free media. These rules are obeyed by most authorities, professionals, and citizens.

See Code of Silence


Press Self Censorship prevents Racism, Xenophobia.

[Reprinted in part, with permission from Fluechtling.net]

Associated Press Stylebook [2] [3] and the German Press Codex  Pressecodex 12.1 make sure that such prejudice will not be fanned by main stream media. Racist reports of refugee crime, racial and national crime differences, or, God forbid, IQ differences by races or nations are barely mentioned except in foreign, or extreme right wing publications [6].

There must be no discrimination against a person because of his/her sex, a disability or his membership of an ethnic, religious, social or national group.
When reporting crimes, it is not permissible to refer to the suspect‘s religious, ethnic or other minority membership unless this information can be justified as being relevant to the readers‘ understanding of the incident. In particular, it must be borne in mind that such references could stir up prejudices against minorities
12.1 violates 12.0 as it is clearly discriminatory. It creates a special protected class, minorities. Of course, white minorities in Los Angeles, Zimbabwe or South Africa are NOT protected minorities,
But 12.1 is "positive discrimination" or "reverse racism"  and thus good and acceptable. After all, it fights prejudice.
Or, as nasty racists might say, it allows biased reporting that misleads the population into thinking that White police hunting down innocent Blacks is one of the US' biggest problems.

Race differences in IQ, crime, a total taboo

German anti-racist censorship goes further than in the "free speech" USA. German Google actively removes information and Amazon withholds books to protect Germans from Racism. 

Amazon refuses to sell the famous book "The Bell Curve". in Germany or Austria. Even total dissidents like Thilo Sarrazin would not dare to even hint at inborn hereditary differences between races. 

[Continue at Fluechtling.net]



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