Black Crime Much Worse Than Statistics Indicate
Black-white differences in crime are much bigger than statistics indicate.
Black-white differences in crime are much bigger than statistiks indicate. This is due to anti-racist manipulation and fear of racism. Political correctness successfully distorts the data.
Those who had both
- the fortune to live in a safe, boring, non-diverse neighborhood, and
- the misfortune to get to know really bad US ghetto neighborhood, or a City in Guatemala, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa
will have the impression that there is easily 100 times more crime in the latter, and virtually zero crime in the former.
We will explain why black crime is many times more frequent than statistics would indicate.
See also Multi-Level coverup – Compounded repression
The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior
Socially sanctioned dishonesty is at the root of all these manipulations.
Human progress of the era of enlightenment has been eroded and reversed. True Speech is Forbidden, True Facts are Taboo.
Racism Exception: Many rules, customs, and habits of civilized, scientific, enlightened, democratic society have been suspended to avoid “racism” and “prejudice. [continue at The Racism Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior]
- Sensational Violence, Human Dignity, Young Persons: True Speech Not Permissible
- Forbidden to say anything negative about minorities, to avoid stirring up prejudices
- White criminality gets inflated:
- Non-white offenders are counted as "whites". Arabs, Turks, and Hispanics help increase the crime statistcs for Whites, thus diminish the ratio (Black crimes)/(White crimes). Watch all the mestizo and mulatto hispanic "white" criminals in the picture to the right. Further down we will show this in more detail)
- Similarly, holders US (or German) passports are counted as Americans (Germans), notwithstanding their likely allegiance to foreign nations of Origin [71]
- Similarly, holders US (or German) passports are counted as Americans (Germans), notwithstanding their likely allegiance to foreign nations of Origin [71]
- Schools ("Dear collegue letter"[47, 48]), police, are ordered to reduce "racist" racial disparity in school discipline, arrests, "stopping and frisking". Both reducing black discipline and increasing white discipline can reduce the disparity. Rigorous punishment of whites and "right wing nazis" can help in this impossible endeavor: Punish more Asian and White Students - demands Eric Holder ... . {unequal rights, 2, 3} [51,52]
- Thousands of hoaxes of white on minority (hate) crime were uncovered. We wonder how many more hoaxes could not be proven wrong and entered white crime statistics.
- Non-white offenders are counted as "whites". Arabs, Turks, and Hispanics help increase the crime statistcs for Whites, thus diminish the ratio (Black crimes)/(White crimes). Watch all the mestizo and mulatto hispanic "white" criminals in the picture to the right. Further down we will show this in more detail)
- Black crime rate statistics get reduced.
- High crime cities, countries, neighborhoods underreport most crimes. Using ShotSpotter, the New York Times reports that neighbors called police only 10 percent of the time guns were fired in a high-crime area of San Francisco. In Oakland, 22 percent of gunshots prompted 9-1-1 calls.
- Witness intimidation ("Snitches get stiches"): In ghettos, prisons, and other high crime areas there are no witnesses, no one would dare to risk his life by informing courts and police.
- Race differences in crime clearance rates and conviction rates:
Crime statistics do usually NOT contain the race of criminals in unsolved crime cases, even if victims and witnesses do report the race of the criminal.- Criminals that are not found, nor convicted don't enter into racial statistics. Low crime white neighborhoods have higher crime clearance rates (&&link?) and tend to have more white criminals. Black "ghetto" crimes, perpetrated by Black criminals (usually against Black victims) have lower clearance and conviction rates (&&link needed)
- Anti-Racist government mandates reduce black and other "minority" crime:
- police and officials in Rotherham and Telford (61, 62), Sweden (63) refused to pursue crime reports by white underclass girls against Muslim rapists. "Getting the police even to file a report of an attempted rape against a woman is, to say the least, difficult -- itself a sign that something is rotten in the "feminist" kingdom of Sweden."(63)
- press codes, governments mandate to avoid prejudice, thus hide black and muslim and "minority" crime (see also white pixelation)
- Obama actually mandated all races in schools to have equal quotas of discipline and police reports.
- "Criminal Justice Reform" in the USA means to reduce Black arrest rates and imprisonment rates, not black Crime.
- Bronx Juries refuse to convict clearly guilty Blacks, out of racial solidarity or "anti-racism"
- Such government refusal to prosecute crimes is a crime in itself ("Strafvereitelung im Amt [pig]" in German)
- In mass riots by Blacks, (or Muslims, Hispanics, and yes occasional leftist or Hooligans), tens of thousands of crimes happen. Every threat to police, every stone thrown, every push, shove, punch, spit, or stick stroke against police or civilian constitutes ONE instance of crime. 99% are not prosecuted. [a,b]
- Wholesale discount 1 (# of perpetrators reduced): In large scale group crimes, most perpetrators not prosecuted. In large or small scale riots and lootings by mostly Blacks, ony a minute percentage of the criminal perpetrators are arrested and tried. Imagine in the Los Angeles riots, in Ferguson riots, in 20 person scuffles at police arrests everyone arrested who throws a stone, shoves a policeman, enters a looted store, .....
- Whole sale discount 2:(# of crimes per offender, multiple offenses by one criminal): In a high speed car chase, every red light or stop signal run is one crime. In a 6 hour looting spree, one rioter steals multiple items in multiple stores. S/he breaks multiple windows, defers multiple blows on multiple police personell or civilians, throws many stones on many people. If prosecuted at all, s/he will be tried for only a few of those transgressions.
In peaceful low crime white neighborhoods, 5 single acts of crime result in 5 police reports. One single high crime Black who commits 300 robberies is tried for 5 of them. 60 000 crimes perpetrated by 1000 usually black people comitting 10 thefts and 50 acts of violence each like stone throwing, punches, shoves, lead to, maybe, 50 arrests and prosecutions.
Black crime statistics very high
Black crime statitics even worse
Black crime is wildly out of proportion.
US statistics show that Blacks commit 7-8 times more homicides than Whites. Depending on location and offense, black crimes at 3 to 98 times the white offending rate
East Asians (Japanese, Korean, Chinese) commit even less crimes. .
Details at Black crime statistics very high
For shootings the race differences are much bigger than for homicide. Black shootings seem less deadly. Could it be bad markmansship?
In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
[Amren: Color of Crime: all statements are proven with government statistics, read the PDF download book]
These terrible statistics are embellished.
Crime differences between races are much larger than even the racist true statistics indicate..
- Hispanic Sex Offenders Listed As “White” In Wisconsin. Why ...
- Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as Whites ...
Race differences in criminality even larger, much larger
Anti-Racist political correctness has a huge number of tricks to intentionally cover up and embellish the out of proportion black/ muslim / immigrant crime wave
White criminality gets artificially increased, black /immigrant/ muslim crimes get artificially covered up and reduced.
The ratio of Black divided by White crime rate, (Black/White crime rates) can be reduced by both increasing white crime and decreasing black criminality.
- In Rotherham, hundreds of non-white rapists go unpunished, but white fathers and white rape victim girls get arrested . [Telford, 2, Telford > Rotherham?, ]. So dozens or hundreds of crimes against each of 1000 victims went unrecorded. Each sex act, each act of violence, each act of pimping is one crime. Quite likely 100 000's of crimes that went unrecorded.
We once again learn how, over the course of four decades, every arm of the state – including council staff, social workers and the police – allowed the mass gang-rape of children to go on in their town. And we learn – once again – how fear of accusations of ‘racism’ meant that the identities of the culprits were hidden and cases were not investigated.
Remember: Love: Racism is Love,
When the story broke yesterday it was covered across a range of other papers, including in all of the Mirror’s competitors. But the story clearly sent the BBC into a panic. As Ed West pointed out on Twitter, this morning the story was not even on the front page of the BBC’s website: [Spectator]
A Police Officer’s View of Race
On one occasion I was called into the captain’s office. This is rarely a good thing. I was a proactive officer and I wrote a lot of tickets. After reviewing my citation data, the captain told me to ticket fewer minorities. I explained that I had not ticketed drivers because of race, but because of traffic violations. I also reminded him that the district I patrolled was dominated by minorities. This didn’t matter. The captain urged me to change my ways, because my actions would be seen as “racial profiling.”
So, the very thing I was urged not to do — pay attention to race — I was now forced to do because I had to make sure I did not ticket too many minorities. On any day if I felt I had cited too many minorities, I would make sure to ignore minority traffic offenders and ticket only white drivers. This taught me that while the system rails against racial bias, it engages in overt racism in order to appear “non-racist.” This is how crazy modern-day law enforcement has become.
I have worked for several police departments over the years, each with different racial demographics. Patrolling neighborhoods that are largely black, an officer gets an extremely high volume of radio calls. It will be constant, and if he is not able to keep up, he will soon get burned out and seek greener pastures.
The type of calls will almost always be high-priority calls such as an armed robbery in progress, a shooting, a stabbing, or multiple thefts. A good many of the calls will be violent. That is just part of working in a black ghetto. The pace is exhausting, but not because the area has a “gun problem;” it has a black problem. No one dares admit this publicly.
A) increase White/ Right wing crime statistics
- "Honorary White Criminals":
Make high crime immigrant populations such as mestizo hispanics, muslims, Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Czechens (?), Russians (?) into honorary Whites / Europeans for the purpose of increasing white Caucasian European crime rates. Hide that fact and do not keep separate statistics for these "minorities" that would allow to differentiate. - Unequal Rights, Unequal Punishment:
Make sure the smallest white infractions get mercilessly punished and entered into statistics. Many right wing "hate crimes" are minor issues like spray painting, "attacking" Muslim centers with pig heads or bacon get conflated with serious left wing or black violence && link 15 years for pig meat in mosque" - Hate Speech and Hate crimes are defined in ways that any "racist", "white supremacist" crime gets mercilessly punished
- Promote Hoaxes: Anti-racist lies, invented crimes.
- Great White Defendant: "scapegoat hunted for by a prosecutor who needs to convict a non-minority for poltical reasons"[42,43]
- Unequal justice: stricter persecution for white defendants [51,52 ,53 , 54 , 55 , 56 , 57]
See also Unequal treatment, unequal rights
B) Under-count Black/ Left/ Immigrant/ Muslim violence
1a) Victim's Non-Reporting
: People in high crime areas (ghettos, no go zones, high crime cities, frequently do not report crime like robbery, assaults, etc. It is considered waste of time and useless. Frequently the victim is a "minority" himself who does not have aculture of collaborating with police . (See below for ( ShotSpotter in Oakland)
1b) Police under-reporting:
The German Police Office counts in their statistics only SOLVED sex crimes. 18 solved cases out of 1300 victims of multiple sexual assaults by massive numbers of men per victim. If only one crime per REPORTED victim had occurred, then 1.4% of crimes entered the crime statistics. Under more realistic assumptions of 15 crimes per victim (groped many times by large groups), and 80% underreporting, one in 5000 crimes entered the crime statistics. An honest analysis of the 1300 victims' reports could substantiate our wild guesses.
See for more about such blatant dishonesty.
Cologne Sex Attacks One Year On: 1300 Victims, Just 18 Convictions
A quarterly report [...] by the Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA) showed that migrants (Zuwanderer, defined as asylum seekers, refugees and illegal immigrants) committed 3,466 sex crimes during the first nine months of 2017 [...]
The actual number of migrant-related sex crimes in Germany, however, is believed to be far higher than the official number. For instance, the BKA data includes only crimes that have been solved (aufgeklärten Straftaten). On average only around half of all crimes committed in Germany in any given year are solved (Aufklärungsquote), according to police statistics.
1c) Self reporting (Blacks lie 6 times more):
That study shows no difference between white and black people when it comes to admitting they use marijuana. But the Census Bureau does not test for drugs. They take your word for it. That is called self-reporting and it is notoriously unreliable way of figuring out if someone is using drugs.
In fact, Johns Hopkins University and the Journal of Addictive Behaviors are just two of the outfits that have studied this. They found when you compare black and white drug use — where they test you — with black and white drug use that is self reported, black people lie six times more often.
Yes, they said that. [Source]
2) Snitches get stitches.
In unsafe neigbhorhoods, witnesses know better than to tell the truth. Nobody saw anything, && Michael Brown ...
3) Wholesale Effect:
Riots, store robberies, looting are undercounted.
The Cologne sex attacks were counted as 18 crimes, an understimation by a factor of 5000 (see item 1b)
Otherwise a black race riot would add 5000 or more multiple criminals.
Hundreds of people, mostly teenagers, were involved in a fight that required a massive police response Saturday night at Worlds of Fun. [...] Several people were detained as the crowd poured into the parking lot and officers attempted to disperse the crowd. One person was cited for a peace disturbance and released at the scene, but there were no arrests made. {Police Break Up Massive Brawl at Worlds of Fun [Amren]}
Flash mobs are 50 criminals committing 200 crimes.
Serial criminal youth or adults don't get convictions for all their dozens of known crimes, or plea bargain down to admitting a small percentage of their crimes
Rodney King (LA riots) committed hundreds of crimes of speeding, running red lights, and violating parole and got zero punishment, in spite of him being on parole.
King was chased down by a husband-and-wife California Highway Patrol team after a 7.8-mile pursuit that reached a speed of 115 mph on the freeway ... [Rodney King Remembered | National Review ]
Rodney King was involved in a high speed pursuit that involved at least 4 police cars, a helicopter, and exposed the general public to serious injuries or possible death. During this pursuit Rodney King committed innumerable traffic violations including attaining speeds approaching 100 MPH. Other than not ..[Rodney King » ..] .
MIchael Brown's and his surviving partner in crime Dorian Johnson (?) committed wholesale crimes and were not prosecuted. Johnson perjured himself multiple times, his lies caused riots with enormous costs. He was never prosecuted for any of his crimes. Did Michael Brown's strong arm robbery, his jay walking, multiple attacks on a police officers enter official statistics?
4) Black/"Minority Privilege:
Police, teachers, college officials, football associations obey the Code of Silence and avoid reporting and prosecuting black/minority/immigrant/muslim crime.
See also Black Privilege
Code of Silence
- They Stopped Police from Responding to Shoplifting/Property Crimes:
As civilization collapses, the police in black-run Atlanta – the city too busy to hate– have consigned small businesses to being nothing more than opportunities for the five-finger discount by black criminals.[APD will no longer respond to shoplifting calls in parts of Atlanta,, 3-24-18] Buckhead is one of the nicer, more exclusive parts of Atlanta (it’s part of North Fulton). It’s also overwhelmingly white. And this is where the black-run city of Atlanta has pulled police from responding to criminality.
- Don't report minor crimes committed by Blacks: 2018: When The War On “Beckys”—White Women—Got Serious, by ... . And not just because innocent whites, frequently women, are being smeared. If whites are cowed into not reporting miscreant blacks,
Here’s the kicker, Legend and Common: As bad as black crimes rates are, they are actually way, way worse. Think of stitches for snitches, witness intimidation, Bronx juries, fewer arrests, and of course do not forget what Melissa Harris Perry, the high priestess of black grievance, said on her MSNBC show:
Black women do not like to report rape and domestic violence because they know black men will be the victims of racist white police. “So they don’t call,” quoth she. [Why are black women less likely to report rape? -]
In Detroit, they recently found 11,000 rape kits in a warehouse. Untested. That’s a lot more people who belong in prison, Mr. Legend, but who are not.
Note: Detroit is a majority Black city with majority Black criminals who thus escape conviction and escape crime statistics.
David Horowitz calls it Black Skin Privilege. [Source]
Memo:BART Withheld Crime Data to Protect Minorities from Criticism
A Bay Area Rapit Transit (BART) official revealed that one reason the agency had withheld crime statistics from the public was the fear that the data could lead to criticism of racial minorities.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Assistant General Manager Kerry Hamill argued in a July 7 memorandum to BART’s board of directors that the agency wanted to avoid the “disproportionate elevation” of crimes that “unfairly affect and characterize riders of color.” She also reportedly said that criticism of the agency’s decision to withhold crime information was “generated for the benefit of media themselves,” and said that crime on BART was lower than in some of the surrounding communities.
The leaked memorandum will add fuel to public controversy over a slew of mass robberies on BART trains. In April, a group of roughly 60 teenagers swarmed a BART train near the Coliseum station in Oakland and began attacking passengers, robbing them of valuables. BART had surveillance video of the attack but chose not to release it because some of the alleged robbers were reportedly juveniles. In addition, BART chose not to ask the public for help in identifying and catching the robbers until after the crime began receiving media coverage from the Chronicle and other outlets.
April 22: Forty to sixty kids boarded a train at the Coliseum stop and robbed seven passengers, beating up two;
June 28: A group of four kids assaulted a passenger and made off with a cell phone at Dublin; and
June 30: A woman on a train with about a dozen teenagers had her phone snatched by one them before the group got off at the Coliseum stop. Thankfully, a good Samaritan was on hand to retrieve the phone.
So far, BART has refused to turn over surveillance video for any of these incidents.
- Wanting To See Surveillance Footage Of Crimes Is Racist | The ...
- Blacks Represent the Vast Majority of Those Banned From Riding ...
- Diversity Is Strength! It's Also…Fare Evasion | Articles |
- BART Official Criticized for Memo on Withholding Crime Facts ... :The agency’s police department suddenly stopped issuing a daily log of crimes on the system soon after BART’s new police chief, Carlos Rojas, was sworn in on May 24. Until then, the logs had been emailed to about 300 people and news agencies, providing them with descriptions of each crime.
4b: Left Privilege:
Antifa and left thugs and "protesters" go usually unpunished. Admittedly, such Left Privilege is frequently exercised by Whites
5) Bronx Juries
Some black jurors refuse to convict clearly guilty black criminals. Thus these qcquitted criminals disappear from the statistics of black crime. [Crime Is the New Black Entitlement , Don't Make the Black Kids Angry]
Race and Drug Arrests: Another Big Lie
African Americans underreport substance use on surveys.” Underreport is a nice way of saying that they lie about it
A 2005 study in the Journal of Urban Health, for example, found that blacks were ten times more likely than whites to lie about cocaine. Hispanics were five times more likely. When it came to marijuana, not one of the 109 whites in the sample lied, but one in eight of the 191 blacks lied.
A 2008 study of Vietnam-era veterans in the journal Addictive Behaviors found that blacks were more than 20 times more likely than whites to lie about cocaine, and twice as likely to lie about marijuana.
A 2003 report also in Addictive Behaviors surveyed 290 black men who were being treated for high blood pressure. Only 48 admitted they were using illegal drugs but urine tests found that 131 of them were. Forty-five percent were taking drugs but only 19 percent admitted it.
This behavior goes back a long way. In 1994, more than 20 years ago, a large study of young people, aged nine to 20, found that blacks were six times more likely than whites to claim they didn’t use cocaine–but have it show up in a urine test.
The Journal of Urban Health article I quoted earlier says this, and I quote: “the results replicate and extend a growing body of research suggesting that African Americans underreport substance use on surveys.” Underreport is a nice way of saying that they lie about it.
Do they include when Black teens enter a mall and take everything in sight and run away as fast as they can carrying the goods? Do they compare that with the white teens who do the same? Oh, white teens generally do not do that. And do they compare the knockout games of trying to knock out a white (and then steal)? Oh, whites almost never do that. Point is crimes that are almost exclusively Black, will get light or no sentences. []
Fear of being called racist when complaining about minor black/immigrant violence in school, or on street.
Police, school officials discouraging or refusing complaints about black/muslim /immigrant crime
The Obama administration mandated to reduce school discipline and police arrest of high crime Blacks &&& to levels similar to White and East Asian students.
Bronx Juries (Black Jury tends not to convict a black defendent, even when clearly guilty),
Riots, looting, group crimes, unresolved crimes .....
C) Statistical manipulations like
ordering racial/ethnic information not to be reported by police
giving wrong impression to population by hiding race of black perpetrators, exaggerating white crime or non-crime like police self defense, and Hollywood movie social engineering
Extremely high crime areas are usually dominated by non-indigenous, non-white criminals. These are seriously underreported. If only 4% of crimes are reported distorts non-white criminality by a factor of 25(=2500%).
Police registered 1600 crimes last year. A TV crew recorded around 40 000 crimes per year. In that high crime neighborhood, crime is
To highlight the rampant lawlessness in Berlin, a TV crew from the German cable network SAT1 installed its own surveillance cameras around Berlin's well-known Kottbusser Tor no-go zone. Last year, the Berlin police registered 1,600 crimes around Kottbusser Tor. An ordinary television crew, however, managed to record hundreds of crimes in just 48 hours. According to journalist and moderator Claus Strunz: [Source: Gatestone Institute]
End of summary
Supporting texts and links follow below

You can search on your own on PIGS: Politically Incorrect Google Search [?]
See No Evil: Racial Violence Underreported [Amren]
Colin Flaherty, World Net Daily, August 12, 2012
Racial violence might be up. It might be down. Either way we may never know: A new study from the Department of Justice says victims of violent crime often do not call the police.
And if they do, police often do not file crime reports, say local newspapers around the country.
“More than half of the nation’s violent crimes, or nearly 3.4 million violent victimizations per year, went unreported to the police between 2006 and 2010,” said a Justice Department analysis.
That’s 17 million violent crimes off the books in five years.
Some say it is even worse. They point to the experience that cities around America are having with ShotSpotter: An anti-crime technology that features an array of wireless microphones that can pinpoint the location of a gun shot to within 40 feet.
The system is 96 percent accurate.
Using ShotSpotter, the New York Times reports that neighbors called police only 10 percent of the time guns were fired in a high-crime area of San Francisco. In Oakland, 22 percent of gunshots prompted 9-1-1 calls.
And often when people “call it in,” the police do not file a report, further skewing the statistics in places like Baltimore, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, Minneapolis and Milwaukee.
In Queens, a New York Times headline reports, “A new police tactic: Keeping crime off the books.”
New York police refused to take a report when a man groped Jill Korber several days in a row.
“He told me it would be a waste of time, because I didn’t know who the guy was or where he worked or anything,” said Ms. Korber, 34, a schoolteacher. “His words to me were, ‘These things happen.’ He said those words.”
In Milwaukee, 50 black people looted a convenience store in 2011. Then they moved to a nearby park where they assaulted 10 people having a Fourth of July picnic.
The following day, several of the victims went to the police station to learn about the status of their case. “What case?” asked the officer on duty. There was no report. Eventually, after pressure from talk radio and television reporters, police launched an investigation.
Less than one year later, a headline in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said it all:
“Hundreds of assault cases misreported by Milwaukee police department. City’s violent crime rate lowered based on faulty data.”
In Wilmington, Del., store owners say police do not respond to frequent calls to report shoplifting. “It happens all the time,” said one store owner. “We have it on video. But the police won’t do anything about it or even file a report.”
Also in Wilmington in August 2012, a group of 10 black people attacked a minister, knocking him unconscious. He waited for police for more than an hour before going to the hospital without filing a police report.
At a community meeting several days later, neighbors talked about the violence in that neighborhood, and how they did not report it because they feared retaliation—one of the main reasons for not reporting crime cited in the Department of Justice study.
Twenty percent of the victims also lack confidence in the ability of police to do anything about the lawlessness, says the study.
In schools, 75 percent of the 450,000 violent crimes that happen every year were not reported during this five year period.
The Second City Cop is a blog for and by Chicago police officers. After a recent violent weekend featuring three attacks of black mobs in the 018 beat, the downtown area, the blog reported:
“And for the record, the ‘three’ ‘muggings’ that are being ‘investigated?’ Add a zero to that for incidents occurring last night in 018. Crime is down and if no one reports it or the media doesn’t get a hold of it? It never happened.’”
Original Article
Unequal Justice
- Unequal Justice In Fields Charlottesville Trial—And, Increasingly ...
- Unequal Justice In New York: Sheldon Silver Still Free, by John ... ,
- Anarcho-Tyranny Update: Continued Unequal Justice For ... ,
- Unequal Justice In Fields Charlottesville Trial—And, Increasingly ... ,
- Unequal Justice: Duke Lacrosse Team vs. Three (!) Minority Football ... ,
- Unequal Justice: Martha Stewart Jailed For Lying To Police—But ... ,
- Unequal Justice: UK Favouring Muslims Over Non-Muslims In Court
rape epidemic in Germany, The overview cites a number of reports
On February 25, the newspaper, Die Welt, reported that authorities in the German state of Hesse were suppressing information about migrant-related crimes, ostensibly due to a “lack of public interest.”
On January 24, Die Welt reported that the suppression of data about migrant criminality is a “Germany-wide phenomenon.”
According to Rainer Wendt, the head of the German police union (Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft, DPolG), “Every police officer knows he has to meet a particular political expectation. It is better to keep quiet [about migrant crime] because you cannot go wrong.”
On January 8, the newspaper, Bild, published an article titled, “Are the Police Being Prohibited from Telling the Truth?” The paper quoted a high-ranking police official in Frankfurt, who said:
“There are strict instructions from the top not to report offenses committed by refugees. Only direct requests from media representatives regarding specific crimes should be answered. … It is extraordinary that certain offenders are deliberately not being reported about and the information is being classified as confidential (nicht pressefrei).”
Witness intimidation
Witness intimidation lets criminals off the hook. Witness intimidation seems to be a black thing (Colin Flaherty). It thus not only reduces black crime statistics, it also encourages crime, because of impunity.
In Ferguson, Witness Intimidation, Lying by 'Community of Color ...
Nov 28, 2014 ... According to the police report, a bevy of witnesses described intimidation from the local community, as well as falsification of testimony.
No-show witness triggers dismissal of double-murder ... -
Jun 28, 2018 - Instead, a judge Tuesday dismissed all counts after prosecutors asked for a continuance because they could not produce a key witness.
Armed Man Whose Death Sparked Milwaukee Had Long Record ...
Aug 15, 2016 ... ... death sparked a night of rioting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, had a long police record and was even the subject of a case of witness intimidation.
Parents of vicious thug arrested for witness intimidation.
Feb 6, 2010 ... Parents of vicious thug arrested for witness intimidation. In Youngstown, Ohio an 18 year old black thug is accused of shooting and killing an 80 ...
Don't Make the Black Kids Angry | Frontpage Mag
Apr 19, 2015 ... Colin Flaherty discusses the hoax of black victimization and those who ... We document that giving examples of witness intimidation, stitches for ...
Bronx Juries: a Defense Dream, a Prosecution Nightmare
Published: December 5, 1988
''The testimony of a police officer,'' Judge Robert L. Cohen recently cautioned the potential jurors assembled in New York State Supreme Court, Part 39, the Bronx, ''should not be arbitrarily accepted.''
This standard legal counsel falls on particularly willing ears in the Bronx, where the juries in criminal cases -overwhelmingly black and Hispanic -have established a reputation for skepticism of the testimony of police officers, mostly white. Prosecutors say that makes getting convictions difficult, and defense lawyers say it reflects the reality of the jurors' experiences with the police on the tough, mean streets.
''When I started in this office 20 years ago, the strongest case you could have as an assistant district attorney was when all your witnesses were police officers,'' said Bronx District Attorney Paul T. Gentile. ''Now, sadly, it is the weakest.'' Crack Cases Swamp the Court
The gray, eight-story Bronx County Courthouse on the Grand Concourse, built as a kind of civic monument with its chandeliers and wood-paneled courtrooms, now handles some 8,000 felony cases a year, said Administrative Judge Burton B. Roberts. More than 85 percent are settled by plea-bargaining lest the system simply choke.
The remainder are the province of 336 prosecutors, mostly white. Nearly all the defendants are black and Hispanic, mainly young, bouncing into the courtrooms in outsized sneakers, the laces untied. In the mornings, crack vials are piled up by the concrete benches outside the courthouse.[...]
The latest example was the acquittal of Larry Davis late last month on charges of attempting to murder nine police officers. The bare facts were hardly in dispute: Mr. Davis had wounded six of the officers in a shootout at his sister's South Bronx apartment two years ago, then escaped, only to surrender in a besieged housing project after a manhunt. Last March, in a verdict that surprised even the defendant, he had been similarly acquitted of murdering four people suspected of being drug dealers.
The defense was based on the argument that Mr. Davis had become involved with corrupt police in the drug trade who came to assassinate him lest he expose their deals. The defense claimed the police fired first and Mr. Davis was acting in self-defense.
''Yes, I think there was some corruption in the police,'' said Celia Thompson, the forewoman of the jury, which was composed of 10 black and two Hispanic members and which deliberated 38 hours before acquitting Mr. Davis of the attempted murder charges but convicting him of weapons possession. ''Not everyone, mind you, but some of those officers intended to kill him.''
- Criminal clans in Germany intimidate witnesses, and even judges and police.
Proof of under-reporting
Police registered 1600 crimes last year. A TV crew recorded around 40 000 crimes per year. In that high crime neighborhood, crime is
The Berlin government prohibits law enforcement agencies from using video surveillance in the German capital, on the grounds of "civil rights". [Source: Gatestone Institute]
To highlight the rampant lawlessness in Berlin, a TV crew from the German cable network SAT1 installed its own surveillance cameras around Berlin's well-known Kottbusser Tor no-go zone. Last year, the Berlin police registered 1,600 crimes around Kottbusser Tor. An ordinary television crew, however, managed to record hundreds of crimes in just 48 hours. According to journalist and moderator Claus Strunz:
"Our 9 cameras monitored the area [Kottbusser Tor] for 48 hours. And on the video feed -- we can't say the exact number -- but there are hundreds of crimes that would have otherwise gone undiscovered... And the parents [living in the area] say that in the year and a half since [uncontrolled migration began], they don't let their daughters walk alone on the street... either day or night."
As no act of journalistic insubordination against Merkel's "Refugees Welcome" directive goes unpunished, Claus Strunz was attacked by a journalist colleague for "politicising" his current affairs show. He was called a "populist" -- dog-whistle-talk for a far-right sympathiser -- a potentially suicidal career move for any journalist wishing to work in Germany.
Strunz was also one of the few German journalists who cared to highlight the plight of the families of the victims of the last year's Christmas market attack, in which a Tunisian Islamist migrant drove a truck loaded with 20 tons of steel beams into a busy Christmas market in Berlin. He murdered 12 people and injured 48 others.
The German mainstream media evidently decided not to personalize the stories of the Berlin terror victims. In a telling move, Merkel governmentcategorized the victims of that attack as victims of regular "traffic accident". For Merkel and Germany's ruling establishment, apparently, the victims of migrant crimes and terror are nothing more than unfortunate roadkill on the way towards a multicultural paradise. [Source: Gatestone Institute]
Intentional distortions
- In the US, several high crime groups' crimes get added to white crime statistics.
Non-white Hispanic criminals' crimes inflate white criminality. Arabs, Iranians, etc count as White when they commit crimes - Similarly, the German police counts Turks with German/Turkish passports as German criminals.
- And for refugee crime, police excluded 600 000 refugees from the crime statistics.
Falsified racial crime statistics: Black criminals defined as whites
I suggest that readers look at Morales and Nieto on Wisconsin`s sex offender registry. Morales is clearly a mestizo. Nieto is a pure (or almost pure) Amerindian. He could have worked as an “extra” in Mel Gibson`s movie Apocalypto. And given Morales` wiry hair and Nieto`s dark skin, duskier than Obama`s, it`s possible that one or both of them could be 5-10% black. As Steve Sailer has noted, the average Mexican is 5% black.
Gregario Morales
Juan Nieto
But according to the registry, both are “white”.
[…I opened the pages and saw the mug-shots of some 50-60 “Hispanic” sex offenders, all defined as “white”, althoughvery few were of pure Spanish descent. Most were mestizos, usually with their Indian genes dominant, and a large minority were pure Amerindians, “zambos”, mulattos, or of pure or almost pure African descent.
For example:
Marcelino Rivera
Look at Marcelino Rivera, a black man with a huge “Afro”,convicted of first-degree sexual assault. Take a look at Juan Villegas, alias Audelett Lopez, another black man convicted of first-degree sexual assault.
Juan Villegas
Look at Heriberto Rivera, another black defined as “white”and convicted of first-degree sexual assault of a child.
Heriberto Rivera
Behold Mario Lopez, either a mulatto or a “zambo“ with African genes dominant. And Francisco Lopez, who is a pure (or almost pure) Amerindian.
Check out Hector Martinez who, with his “kinky” hair and medium-brown skin, is either a mulatto or “zambo”.
Hector Martinez
Look at Artemio Rodriguez, a pure Amerindian or possibly a mixture of African and Amerindian. Behold Alberto Chavez, who is either a “zambo” or pure Amerindian. Gaze uponHeriberto Gonzales, also either a mulatto or “zambo”. OneAlvaro Garcia is clearly an Indian-black mixture. One Hector Sanchez appears to be of both African and Amerindian descent.
And I looked at no more than 4-5% of perhaps 1100-1200 mug-shots. Looking at all or most of them would surely uncover many dozens of similarly bizarre and ludicrous examples of “white” Hispanics.
Why would bureaucrats define the likes of Morales and Nieto and all other nonwhites with Spanish surnames as “white”when anyone who visits the registry and looks at the mug-shots will see mestizos, Amerindians, “zambos”, mulattos, and blacks—the faces of men who look like Pancho Villa,Zapata, Cesar Chavez, Hugo Chavez, George Lopez, Ozzie Guillen, David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez, Pedro Martinez, Albert Pujols, Sammy Sosa?
The only plausible explanation: nonwhite “Hispanics” who commit sex offenses and other felonies are classified as“white” under Dept. of Correction statistic—and, consequently, they must also be defined as “white” on the sex offender registry.
Even Politically Correct bureaucrats cannot lie and deceive when vivid and scary images are available of “white” sex criminals who are glaringly nonwhite. But they can can, with false definitions and resultant bogus numbers, whose purpose is to minimize and obscure the crime rates of nonwhite“Latinos” while inflating those of European Americans.
In the case of sex offenders, as opposed to “Latino” criminals generally, virtually all those defined as “white” can be seen and identified as nonwhite just by visiting the sex offender registry and looking at mug-shots. But few people will do this. And, without mass protests and demands for racially honest designations, the statistics won`t be rectified.
[Source: Hispanic Sex Offenders Listed As “White” In Wisconsin. Why ...
According to the Statistics Denmark report, the crime rate among in 2017 was 35% higher among non-Western male immigrants and 145% higher among male descendants of non-Western immigrants than in the Danish male general population. It should be noted that the figures are misleading, since third-generation descendants of immigrants are counted as Danes also in this context. Male descendants of immigrants from Lebanon - many of whom were, according to the report, stateless Palestinians -- followed by male descendants of immigrants from Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan, Morocco and Syria -- rated the highest for crime. [Source]
See No Evil: Racial Violence Underreported [Amren]
Racial violence might be up. It might be down. Either way we may never know: A new study from the Department of Justice says victims of violent crime often do not call the police.
It needs to be analyzed if in these crimes Blacks are over-represented
And if they do, police often do not file crime reports, say local newspapers around the country.
Again, this deserves research and proof. But which academic would ruin his career for doing such politically incorrect research
Rotherham's 10 year 1400 girl rape spree would be a clear example, similarly Telford (61, 62)
“More than half of the nation’s violent crimes, or nearly 3.4 million violent victimizations per year, went unreported to the police between 2006 and 2010,” said a Justice Department analysis.
That’s 17 million violent crimes off the books in five years.
Some say it is even worse. They point to the experience that cities around America are having with ShotSpotter: An anti-crime technology that features an array of wireless microphones that can pinpoint the location of a gun shot to within 40 feet.
The system is 96 percent accurate.
Using ShotSpotter, the New York Times reports that neighbors called police only 10 percent of the time guns were fired in a high-crime area of San Francisco. In Oakland, 22 percent of gunshots prompted 9-1-1 calls.
And often when people “call it in,” the police do not file a report, further skewing the statistics in places like Baltimore, New York, Chicago, Seattle, Atlanta, Minneapolis and Milwaukee.
In Queens, a New York Times headline reports, “A new police tactic: Keeping crime off the books.”
New York police refused to take a report when a man groped Jill Korber several days in a row.
“He told me it would be a waste of time, because I didn’t know who the guy was or where he worked or anything,” said Ms. Korber, 34, a schoolteacher. “His words to me were, ‘These things happen.’ He said those words.”
In Milwaukee, 50 black people looted a convenience store in 2011. Then they moved to a nearby park where they assaulted 10 people having a Fourth of July picnic.
The following day, several of the victims went to the police station to learn about the status of their case. “What case?” asked the officer on duty. There was no report. Eventually, after pressure from talk radio and television reporters, police launched an investigation.
Less than one year later, a headline in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel said it all:
“Hundreds of assault cases misreported by Milwaukee police department. City’s violent crime rate lowered based on faulty data.”
In Wilmington, Del., store owners say police do not respond to frequent calls to report shoplifting. “It happens all the time,” said one store owner. “We have it on video. But the police won’t do anything about it or even file a report.”
Also in Wilmington in August 2012, a group of 10 black people attacked a minister, knocking him unconscious. He waited for police for more than an hour before going to the hospital without filing a police report.
At a community meeting several days later, neighbors talked about the violence in that neighborhood, and how they did not report it because they feared retaliation—one of the main reasons for not reporting crime cited in the Department of Justice study.
Most likely this fear is not prevalent in low crime white neighborhoods
Twenty percent of the victims also lack confidence in the ability of police to do anything about the lawlessness, says the study.
In schools, 75 percent of the 450,000 violent crimes that happen every year were not reported during this five year period.
Considering Obama's executive order, it is obvious that the unreported crimes are mainly black and hispanic crimes
- Schools more dangerous thanks to Obama's racial policies
Punish more Asian and White Students - demands Eric Holder ...
The Second City Cop is a blog for and by Chicago police officers. After a recent violent weekend featuring three attacks of black mobs in the 018 beat, the downtown area, the blog reported:
“And for the record, the ‘three’ ‘muggings’ that are being ‘investigated?’ Add a zero to that for incidents occurring last night in 018. Crime is down and if no one reports it or the media doesn’t get a hold of it? It never happened.’”
Restoring School Discipline Requires Expelling the Feds
Duncan’s “Dear Colleague” letter stated flatly “suspensions don’t work — for schools, teachers, or students.” Four years later, suspensions are down, to be sure, but mayhem and chaos are rising in classrooms across the country.
After extensive study, the Manhattan Institute’s Max Eden concluded USED’s discipline policy is misguided and counterproductive. As Eden notes, in New York City, a majority of students at half of schools serving a high share of minority students said they saw more fights and that their peers were less respectful. In Chicago, peer respect deteriorated and teachers reported more disruptive behavior. In St. Paul, the district attorney declared school violence a “public-health crisis.” In Syracuse, the district attorney ordered a restoration of discipline after violence surged and a teacher was stabbed. In East Baton Rouge, 60 percent of teachers say they’ve experienced an increase in violence or threats, and 41 percent say they don’t feel safe at school.
In 2017, teachers unions (fierce critics of DeVos) commissioned surveys showing two-thirds (or more) of teachers in major metropolitan areas believe the federalized discipline policy is hurting students, and perhaps minority children most of all. Even in the progressive haven of Madison, Wisconsin, only 13 percent of teachers expressed confidence USED’s discipline reform made a positive impact.
Trump Administration tries to solve Late Obama Age Collapse, by ...
Along with black slums, where the homicide rate shot up under the prodding of the outgoing Obama Administration, prime loci of the Late Obama Age Collapse have been college campuses and public schools. The Trump Administration’s plan for curing the problems created by the Obama Administration is, apparently, to stop doing the things the Obama Administration did to encourage so many hate hoaxes like Haven Monahan, which traces back to the Obama Admin’s “Dear Colleague” letter, and nervous breakdowns over microaggressions that led to the Black Fall in 2015 at places like the U. of Missouri. Similarly, the Trump Administration will stop the Obama Administration’s policy of persecuting public school districts for their causing black males to be more rowdy than Asian females. From the NYT:
Education Dept. Says It Will Scale Back Civil Rights Investigations
By ERICA L. GREEN JUNE 16, 2017WASHINGTON — The Department of Education is scaling back investigations into civil rights violations at the nation’s public schools and universities, easing off mandates imposed by the Obama administration that the new leadership says have bogged down the agency.
It's All About Disarming White America: Democrats Refuse To Use Red Flag Laws On Gang Databases, Because Racism
Previously on SBPDL: It’s All About Disarming White America: Sen. Kamala Harris Willing to Send Cops Door-to-Door to Confiscate Banned Firearms
Remember: Almost all of the guns used in fatal and nonfatal shootings in 70% black Baltimore and 67% nonwhite Chicago are illegal. Same goes for Memphis, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, St. Louis, New Orleans, and other American cities where gun crime is a daily occurrence .[…]
Why mention this? Because Democrats have no interest in using red flag laws against gang databases (those are racist anyways, right?), but instead hope to use them to disarm law-abiding people who also harbor “white nationalist” views.
This Is What Anguish Looks Like: Victims of Black-on-White Violence
Colin Flaherty, American Thinker, November 17, 2017
Compare: Sensational Violence, Human Dignity, Young Persons: True Speech Not Permissible
[...] Let’s start with some backstory in Chicago. During last year’s election for the Chicago version of states attorney, Kim Foxx was not hiding anything— With loads of cash from George Soros and lots of support from Black Lives Matter, she bragged about how, under her watch, she was going to stop over-policing, halt mass incarceration, and begin a new era of arresting fewer black people in Chicago.
The new D.A. is as good as her word. In the latest example, Chicago has seen over 700 carjackings this year – almost all of them done by the fellas.
This week, after catching a few black people fresh from a carjacking spree, the police spokesman announced that juvenile justice is complicated because “we know their minds are not fully formed.”
That is why, said the ABC owned and operated affiliate in Chicago, carjackers are now charged with a misdemeanor and released almost right away.
(If someone told me this was actually happening, I would want to see the videos before I believed it. That is why they are included as links in this article.)
Not too far away from the scene of the latest carjacking, a white mother of an autistic high school child wonders why school officials lied to her when her son came home from school battered and bruised. They said he was hurt “horsing around.”
The video told the tale: he was the victim of a black person picking him up and slamming him on the ground.
Note the anguish, the feelings of betrayal, the knowledge that no matter what she does, no matter what police say, no matter what school officials promise, her son is a target of racial violence at his high school. And that will not change.
Ditto in Baltimore. Earlier this week, following dozens of recent attacks of black mob violence on white people, the mayor announced she was going to get tough: she and her department heads were going to have a meeting every morning and talk about this problem of runaway black violence in Baltimore until it went away.
Anyway, back to Baltimore: Local media told us a white girl on a bus got into an argument with a group of black people. Translation: They had a disagreement about whether they should beat the hell out of her and leave her lying on the curb, bloody.
The cameras got there in time to let us see this white girl, still bloodstained. And how she described the regular violence on the bus, and in her life, and how it was going to happen again tomorrow, with the same lovely ladies or a different cast of characters.
Again, no surprise in Baltimore: Black-on-white crime is shrugged off as payback for 4 million years of racist mistreatment — or just another symptom of white privilege that bestows an unreasonable expectation of public safety on white people.
All this was easy to see in a recent article about violence called “Baltimore, You Are Breaking My Heart,” where dozens and dozens of black commentators scorned the white female urban pioneer who was surprised at the constant and epic level of black criminality in her new neighborhood. All because she was “tired of being looked at like prey.”
All because she “needed a pit bull” to walk around the corner.
Like the mother in Chicago, the video of the Baltimore teen tells the story: this high school girl was abandoned by every person and institution she trusted. This is what anguish, despair, and hopelessness look like.
All because public officials in Baltimore, like Chicago, know “they are not going to arrest their way out of that mess.”
IRS Documented 1.3M Identity Thefts by Illegal Aliens; Can’t Say It Referred Any for Prosecution, [CNS News]18 Comments
Illegals filed more than one million tax returns with fraudulent SSNs in 2017; IRS recommended prosecution for only 403.
- This is an example of "minority" privilege, how "minority" are not being held to same standards and not punished the same way as a normal law abiding white citizen.
- This non-prosecution distorts the crime statistics, successfully covering up and hiding millions of "minority crime"
See also Black crime much worse than statistics
Privilege (White, Black, Muslim, Left, Female)
Terence P. Jeffrey, CNS News, March 16, 2018
The Internal Revenue Service in 2011 through 2016 documented more than 1.3 million cases of identity theft perpetrated by illegal aliens whom the IRS had given Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN), which are only given to people who are ineligible to work in the United States or receive Social Security Numbers, according to information published by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). {snip}
TIGTA, which is the inspector general responsible for overseeing the IRS, discovered another approximately 1.2 million cases in 2017 in which an illegal alien working in the United States had filed a tax return reporting wages that had been earned using a Social Security Number that belonged to someone else or was fabricated.
Yet the IRS also could not say whether it referred any of these cases for criminal prosecution.
Using a stolen or fake Social Security Number is a felony.
“The Social Security Act,” TIGTA has noted, “provides that whoever, with the intent to deceive, falsely represents a number to be his or her SSN when, in fact, that number was not assigned to that person, shall be guilty of a felony and subject to a fine, imprisonment, or both. This includes using a false SSN to obtain employment.”
When processing individual tax returns, according to reports filed by TIGTA, the IRS ordinarily encounters two types of identity theft. One involves what TIGTA calls “refund fraud” and the other involves “employment-related fraud.”
In cases of refund fraud, the “identity thief” uses another person’s Social Security Number and personal identification information “to file a fraudulent tax return, reporting fictitious wages and withholdings and obtains a tax refund.”
“Cases of employment identity theft identified by the Internal Revenue Service usually involve an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) filer who used the Social Security Number of another individual, i.e. victim, to gain employment,” TIGTA said in a report released in February. {snip}
The approximately 1.3 million cases of employment-related identity theft documented and recorded by the IRS in 2011 through 2016, involved foreign nationals whom the IRS had given Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs).
So, too, did the approximately 1.2 million cases of illegal aliens using Social Security Numbers that belonged to someone else or had been fabricated that TIGTA discovered in 2017.
The numbers of these cases were cited in the TIGTA report released last month. It was entitled, “Most Employment Identity Theft Victims Have Not Been Notified That Their Identities Are Being Used by Others for Employment.”{snip}
A January 2004 TIGTA report said: “The IRS Office of Chief Counsel determined that, ‘the group of persons with United States federal tax obligations who are not eligible to obtain an SSN is limited to non-citizens who either do not reside in the United States or reside here illegally.”
In 1999, TIGTA released a report warning that with its ITIN program the IRS had embraced a policy to “‘legalize’ illegal aliens” that “increases the potential for fraud.”
In a follow-up report in 2004, TIGTA concluded that ITIN holders who filed tax returns using a Social Security Number were in fact illegal aliens. {snip}
The IRS’s Criminal Investigation division publishes an annual report stating how many “prosecution recommendations” it makes each fiscal year and the crimes for which it makes them. In the six fiscal years from 2011 through 2016, according to these reports, IRS CI made 20,986 prosecution recommendations and 4,329 of them were for identity theft cases.
If everyone one of these identity theft prosecution recommendations had been for a case of employment identity theft—rather than refund-fraud identity theft—that would have equaled 0.3 percent of the 1,346,485 ITIN-holder cases the IRS documented in those years.
Similarly, in fiscal year 2017, when TIGTA discovered 1,227,579 tax returns filed by ITIN holders that included W-2s with “over 1 million valid” SSNs on them, IRS CI made only 403 prosecution recommendations in identity theft cases.
On its website, the IRS has posted 369 examples of successful identity theft investigations that IRS CI conducted and recommended for prosecution in fiscal years 2015, 2016 and 2017. But only five of the 369 examples mention the ITIN and each of these five describe a scheme to engage in refund fraud not employment-related fraud. [continue at Original Article]
Sweden: Women Raped, Authorities Too Busy
According to Mikaela Blixt, after a man attacked her in the street and tried to rape her, the police did nothing, even though she knew where her attacker lived and could easily have identified him.
The Swedish mainstream media outlet, Expressen, wanted to interview Blixt, but, according to her, only on condition that she not mention that her attacker was an Afghan migrant.
Not only women, but almost one out of three Swedes, do not feel safe in Sweden, according to a new poll that asked 6,300 Swedes how safe they feel in their homes and communities.
It is curious that the Swedish police not only have sufficient resources to charge people who attend peaceful demonstrations, but also people who allegedly commit thought crimes.[...]
Getting the police even to file a report of an attempted rape against a woman is, to say the least, difficult -- itself a sign that something is rotten in the "feminist" kingdom of Sweden.
In the little town of Deje in central Sweden, for example, an Afghan migrant, who lives at the migrant center in town, recently assaulted, knifed and attempted to rape a woman, Mikaela Blixt, as she was walking her dog in broad daylight.
The attacker first kicked Blixt's small dog into the air, then forced Blixt to the ground and cut her hip with a knife. She managed to escape from her attacker, and made it home with her dog. Shocked and bleeding, she tried to report the assault to the police.
That effort proved almost impossible. When Blixt called the Swedish emergency services phone line, the police refused even to talk to her. They told her that as the attack was no longer in process, she would have to call the non-emergency number. "If you want to report the assault you will have to suffer a bit of a phone queue," the policewoman warned her, according to Blixt. After spending nearly the entire day trying in vain to get through to the police on the phone, she drove the next day to the nearest police station in the neighboring town, where, 24 hours after the assault, police finally took the report.
After Blixt's visit to the police station, she saw evidence of her sexual assault hanging outside the migrant center: the trousers her attacker had worn had been washed and hung out to dry, but may still have had traces of her blood on them. She notified the police, but they did not have time to come that day to secure the evidence. In fact, according to Blixt, the police did nothing, even though she knew where her attacker lived and could easily have identified him.
While under-reporting Afghan rapes, police over-reports white Swedes' thought crimes and peaceful demonstrations.
Even though the police supposedly had neither the time nor the resources to attend to that attempted rape, they did show up in force when 80 citizens of Deje gathered in a demonstration in solidarity with Blixt and "against violence". Two police patrols and a policeman in civilian clothes came to watch over the peaceful event and, once it had ended, charged its organizer with violating the public order. Apparently, he had not applied for permission to demonstrate. Swedish police have no problem with migrant rapists, but do not suffer unannounced peaceful demonstrations.
The Swedish mainstream media outlet, Expressen, wanted to interview Blixt, but, according to her, only on condition that she not mention that her attacker was an Afghan migrant. [Source: Sweden: Women Raped, Authorities Too Busy ]
BKA vertuscht Straftaten von 600.000 Flüchtlingen! 19. September 2017
Es bedurfte mehrere Anfragen an die Pressestelle des BKAs, die sich zudem über Wochen hinzogen, um eine genaue Definition der einzelnen Flüchtlingsgruppen in Erfahrung zu bringen, die das BKA nicht in der Studie zur Flüchtlingskriminalität erfasst. Im Anschluss lieferte die Pressestelle des BAMF die exakte Personenanzahl, die sich hinter den Umschreibungen des Bundeskriminalamtes verstecken, denn das BKA selbst behauptete nicht über diese Zahlen und Kenntnisse zu verfügen. Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge beantwortete die angefragten Zahlen, indem sie die Zahlen aus der Bundesdrucksache 18/11388des Deutschen Bundestages verwendete.
Ein Dokument welches sicherlich auch dem BKA bekannt sein dürfte.
Bei der Bundesdrucksache handelt es sich um eine Antwort der Bundesregierung auf eine Anfrage der Fraktion Die Linke, über in Deutschland lebende Flüchtlinge zum Stand des 31. Dezember 2016.
BKA-Studie verliert jegliche Aussagekraft
Im Anschluss folgen ausschließlich Flüchtlingsgruppen, die in der BKA-Studie zur Flüchtlingskriminalität, nach eigenen Angaben des BKA, nicht berücksichtigt werden:
39.783 Personen mit einer Asylberechtigung,
452.023 Personen mit Flüchtlingsschutz,
37.301 Personen mit einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach § 25 Absatz 3 AufenthG und
73.506 Personen mit einer Aufenthaltserlaubnis nach § 25 Absatz 2 AufenthG (subsidiärer Schutz).
Dies ergibt in der Gesamtsumme 602.613 Flüchtlinge, die in der BKA-Studie »Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung – Bundeslagebild 2016« vorsätzlich nicht berücksichtigt werden.
Jede Straftat, jede Vergewaltigung, jede sexuelle Belästigung, jede Messerstecherei, jede Körperverletzung, jeder Raub, jeder Totschlag und jeder Mord, den einer dieser 602.613 Flüchtlinge begeht, wird dadurch in der BKA-Statistik zur Flüchtlingskriminalität nicht aufgeführt.
Die Taten werden so vor der Öffentlichkeit vertuscht.
Mit der Antwort auf eine eingeforderte Stellungnahme zu diesem Skandal, ließ das BKA einen zugesagten Termin mehrfach verstreichen. Doch die verspätet eingegangene Antwort hätte sich die Leitung des Bundeskriminalamtes auch sparen können. So gut wie jede Frage blieb unbeantwortet, dabei hatte ich den Fragekatalog bewusst kurz und knapp gehalten.
Fragen zur Stellungnahme an das BKA:
Bestätigt das BKA diese Zahlen des BAMF?
Sind und wenn ja, seit wann sind dem BKA diese Hintergründe bekannt?
Wie lautet Ihre Erklärung auf 600.000 nicht berücksichtigte Flüchtlinge?
Welche Bewegründe hat das BKA zu der Entscheidung veranlasst, 600.000 Flüchtlinge in der Studie zur Kriminalität im Kontext von Zuwanderung nicht zu berücksichtigen?
Wie hoch schätzen Sie die Aussagekraft der Studie jetzt noch ein?
Steht diese Entscheidung in einem Zusammenhang mit der stattfindenden Bundestagswahl?
Ann Coulter: Nikolas Cruz And The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline
Examples how, on purpose, crime of Blacks and Hispanics is not criminalized, rather ignored.
Dozens of felonies were not reported nor prosecuted.
So this contributes to reducing criminal minority crime statistics.
Nikolas Cruz’s psychosis ended in a bloody massacre not only because of the stunning incompetence of the Broward County Sheriff’s Department. It was also the result of liberal insanity working exactly as it was intended to.
School and law enforcement officials knew Cruz was a ticking time bomb. They did nothing because of a deliberate, willful, bragged-about policy to end the “school-to-prison pipeline.” This is the feature part of the story, not the bug part.
If Cruz had taken out full-page ads in the local newspapers, he could not have demonstrated more clearly that he was a dangerous psychotic. He assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other “red flags.”
Over and over again, students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School reported Cruz’s terrifying behavior to school administrators, including Kelvin Greenleaf, “security specialist,” and Peter Mahmood, head of JROTC.
At least three students showed school administrators Cruz’s near-constant messages threatening to kill them—e.g., “I am going to enjoy seeing you down on the grass,” “Im going to watch ypu bleed,” “iam going to shoot you dead”—including one that came with a photo of Cruz’s guns. They warned school authorities that he was bringing weapons to school. They filed written reports.
Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.
All the school had to do was risk Cruz not going to college, and depriving Yale University of a Latino class member, by reporting a few of his felonies—and there would have been no mass shooting.
But Cruz was never arrested. He wasn’t referred to law enforcement. He wasn’t even expelled.
Instead, Cruz was just moved around from school to school—six transfers in three years. But he was always sent back to Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in order to mainstream him, so that he could get a good job someday!
The moronic idea behind the “school-to-prison pipeline” is that the only reason so many “black and brown bodies” are in prison is because they were disciplined in high school, diminishing their opportunities. End the discipline and … problem solved! [Source: Ann Coulter: Nikolas Cruz And The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline ]
As a result, Black crimes in school get considerably under-reported, distorting statistics.
No Thug Left Behind
Obsessed with “racial equity,” St. Paul schools abandoned discipline—and unleashed mayhem.
As an additional side-effect, a hispanic mass shooter iwas able to legally acquire his guns. He had a clean criminal record because his long list of crimes never were prosecuted. See below
Ann Coulter - February 28, 2018 - THE SCHOOL-TO-MASS-MURDER ...
Feb 28, 2018 - In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun. ... had to do was risk Cruz not going to college, and depriving Yale University of a Latino class member, by reporting a few of his felonies -- and there would have been no mass shooting.
The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline - Ann Coulter - Townhall
It's like "The Wizard of Oz" in reverse. The Wizard told the Scarecrow: You don't need an education, you just need a diploma! The school-to-prison pipeline idiocy tells students: You don't need to behave in high school, you just need to leave with no criminal record!
Of course, killjoys will say that removing the consequences of bad behavior only encourages more bad behavior. But that's not the view of Learned Professionals, who took summer courses at Michigan State Ed School.
In a stroke of genius, they realized that the only problem criminals have is that people keep lists of their criminal activities. It's the list that prevents them from getting into M.I.T. and designing space stations on Mars. Where they will cure cancer. [...]
Get it? It's the arrest -- not the behavior that led to the arrest -- that reduces a student's chance at a successful life. (For example, just look at how much the district's refusal to arrest Nikolas Cruz helped him!
Jewish Student Driven Out of Berlin School by Threats and Violence from Muslim Classmates
Daily beatings by a gang of Muslims. Let us calculate conservatively, only one beating per day for 20 days a week by 4 attackers. That is 80 crimes per month. To be precise, every punch is a crime, so probably more like 800 crimes per month, not recorded. Add some racial slurs, and threats to the list of crimes. None of these crimes make it into the statistics.
Now add a few percent of thousands of other Jews, and few percent of Millions of white Bio=Germans.
The Times reports Ferdinand and his parents — Gemma, an entrepreneur from London, and Wenzel, a human rights organiser — chose a multicultural environment for their son’s schooling. Until recently the family had hosted a Syrian refugee in their Berlin home. “I loved the fact that the school was multicultural . . . the kids and teachers were so cool,” Ferdinand said.
The mother is a naive leftist who is unaware of the racist truths and exposes her son to mortal danger.
Daily beatings by a gang of pupils, all of immigrant origin, soon followed. These were accompanied by racial insults.
Each such insult, when perpetrated by a German would be topic of newspapers, TV reports, and certainly heavily punished.
Unequal treatment, unequal rights
Unequal Rights #3, Black and Leftist Privilege
Heavy prison sentences are meted out to Bio-Germans for bacon-, pig head attacls, or fire cracker attacks on mosques
“This boy, Jassin, whose parents are Palestinian, asked me if I’m from Israel,” Ferdinand said. “I’ve never been to Israel. He said Palestine will burn Israel and his friends said Turkey will burn Israel. He kept kicking me.
Where will this be in the crime statistics?
“One day he came up to me from behind and he punched me in the back. I became dizzy . . . I had a bruise for a week or two. Every time something bad happened, I told myself I could manage it, but it only got worse.”
What an abuse. In Germany school attendance is mandatory, but the government does not protect students. It is inconceivable to me to be forced back to the abusive environment.
The experience of Ferdinand is not an isolated incident in the Berlin school system.
Aaron Eckstaedt, principal of the Moses Mendelssohn Jewish High School in Berlin, told the Jewish Chronicle that six to 10 Jewish parents apply to switch their children to his school every year.
The requests are generally “in reaction to anti-Semitic statements coming overwhelmingly from Arabic or Turkish classmates,” he said.
Kripo Beamter behauptet: Tatsächlich gab es viel mehr Straftaten als die Statistik zeigt
The actual number of migrant-related sex crimes in Germany is at least two or three times higher than the official number. Only 10% of the sex crimes committed in Germany appear in the official statistics. — André Schulz, head of the Criminal Police Association.
An even more toxic practice is for police deliberately to omit any references to migrants in crime reports. This lapse makes it impossible for German citizens to understand the true scale of the migrant crime problem.
City police asked German media to delete any images of the suspect. A note for editors stated: "The legal basis for publishing the surveillance photos has been dispensed with. We strongly urge you to take this into account in future reporting and to remove and/or make changes to existing publications."
"As a refugee, it is difficult to find a girlfriend." — Asif M., a 26-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan, in court on charges he raped one woman and attempted to rape five others.
Police reports show that Germany's migrant rape crisis continues unabated, although accurate statistics are notoriously non-existent, this in one of the most technologically advanced countries in the world. German authorities have repeatedly been accused of underreporting the true scale of the migrant crime problem in the country.
Leaked document says 2,000 men allegedly assaulted 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve
A minimum of 5000 crimes were committed (4 men each on 1200 women). 4 men convicted, so far.
How many crimes enter the statistics?
Quite possibly, each woman suffered 50 crimes by 10 men, 80 % of women did not report the crime, and 10 times as many women suffered "low level" harassment like catcalls, street harassment, indecent exposure, light groping, etc. In that case there would be hundreds of thousands of crime committed.
But numbers that are now emerging are likely to shock a country still coming to terms with what happened in Cologne more than half a year ago. According to a leaked police document, published by Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper and broadcasters NDR and WDR, the previous estimates have to be dramatically revised — upward.
[Why it took half a year for the full extent of the New Year’s Eve assaults in Germany to be known]
Authorities now think that on New Year's Eve, more than 1,200 women were sexually assaulted in various German cities, including more than 600 in Cologne and about 400 in Hamburg.
More than 2,000 men were allegedly involved, and 120 suspects — about half of them foreign nationals who had only recently arrived in Germany — have been identified.
Only four have been convicted, but more trials are underway.
Passport citizen with foreign ethnicities
Let`s Hear It For The AP Stylebook
Reprinted with permission
A man was arrested in Costa Mesa for threatening another man with a folding knife.
One of the story, via the Associated Press, suggests a hate crime by an American against an immigrant. If we didn't have Google, we might suspect that this Anthony Tabarsi fellow was an Italian-American.
Man allegedly pulls knife on Starbucks customer speaking ArabicA man was charged with a hate crime for allegedly taunting a customer speaking Arabic at a Starbucks coffeehouse, then lunging at him with a knife in the parking lot.Anthony Tabarsi, 41, was arrested Monday as he ran from the scene in Costa Mesa, said Deputy District Attorney Scott Steiner.
Prosecutors said Tabarsi walked by the men who were speaking Arabic in the coffeehouse and told them all Arabs are terrorists and he hates them.
Look—American hate crime! You can just see Eric Muller salivating over it.
Now let's try it with some more details, from the local paper:
Sex offender hit with Taser,By KIMBERLY EDDS,The Orange County Register, April 17, 2007COSTA MESA– A convicted rapist and child molester accused of hurling racial slurs at an Arab man and trying to stab him with a knife outside a local Starbucks appeared in court today....
Tabarsi's latest run in with the law began about 8:30 p.m. Monday, police said, when he walked into the Starbucks in the 2700 block of Harbor Boulevard and noticed a 25-year-old man speaking Arabic to a friend. Tabarsi, who is Persian, hurled racist epithets at the man as he walked back to the restroom....
Tabarsi is also known as Mohammad Hadi Emaitabarsi and Mohammad Emami Tabarsi.
So it seems to be a case of Persian-on-Arab violence, like the Iran-Iraq war, rather than the basic "American hate crime" or "backlash."And the culprit was a guy named Mohammad. In the words of Mark Steyn, writing after the Cronulla Riots in Australia" "These days, whenever something goofy turns up on the news, chances are it involves a fellow called Mohammed. "
This is true, but they don't always tell you his name is Mohammed. And as for the Persian Mr. Tabarsi, one wonders if he's a citizen or not, or if calling him Persian instead of Iranian is meant to say that he's an "American of Persian descent." Would it kill them to give us this important detail? Yes, it would—they're the Associated Press!
[continue at source: Let`s Hear It For The AP Stylebook ]
[Source: user comments]
Ben • Oct 20, 2018 at 21:17
Are these grooming gang rapes recorded the same as regular convictions for child sexual abuse? It would make sense that the amount of paedophiles was proportional to the white population and therefore higher. The question is, is the proportion of paedophilia within the Pakistani or Muslim communities proportionally higher? Also if these grooming gang rapes are not being recorded along with other forms of child sexual abuse this would distort the figures and massively underrepresent the figures by hundreds of thousands of child rapes. [...]
Ben Save Europe • Oct 21, 2018 at 20:53
Yea I am British although thankfully not living there anymore. I know that a high proportion of these men are Pakistani (Muslim), not "Asian" as I see constantly misrepresented by the media (none of these men are Chinese, Japanese or any other Asian ethnicity). It's frankly disgusting that they get labelled the same way.
My long suspicion though is that these hundreds of thousands if not millions of child rapes are not recorded in the same way as "traditional" paedophilia. Child rape is child rape whichever way it's carried out and for whatever reason. I suspect that child grooming or child exploitation crimes are recorded separately to keep the paedophilia statistics proportionally in line with national ethnic groups. If these crimes were included with other forms of paedophilia this would hugely increase the proportion of paedophilia in the Pakistani/Muslim community.
I have made freedom of information requests for data on both types of paedophilia to see if I can confirm my suspicion.
Although it doesn't affect me directly anymore I keep on top of news in the U.K. and I can't believe what is happening to a once great country. It's becoming an embarrassment. [Source: user comments]
"Are These People White?"
Texas troopers ticketing Hispanic drivers as white
Senator says DPS ‘playing games’ with racial profiling data
By Brian Collister and Joe Ellis
Published: November 6, 2015, 2:12 pm Updated: January 12, 2016, 5:32 pm
Senator: DPS ‘playing games’ Senator Rodriguez demands an explanation DPS responds to KXAN’s investigation Example tickets
State of Texas: In-depth – Law enforcement ticketing minority drivers as ‘white’
AUSTIN (KXAN) — DPS troopers are inaccurately recording the race of large numbers of minority drivers, mostly Hispanic, as white, according to a KXAN investigation. The agency’s traffic stop data reveals racial profiling reports are likely flawed, according to experts.
Of course, this also means that crime statistics include a lot of not exactly white criminals, especially Hispanics, being lumped in with whites. For example, the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics recognizes only three races in homicide statistics: Black, White (which includes most Latinos), and a small Other (presumably, mostly Asians and American Indians).
After years of labeling mestizos as white, the state of Texas has recently taken to listing its Top Ten Most Wanted List with Hispanics labeled as “White (Hispanic).” [continue at "Are These People White?"]
"Snitches Get Stitches"—Witness-Murdering Stops Cops From Clearing Black Homicides
[...]Homicides are “cleared” by the police when the case is no longer open and unsolved. Homicide clearance rates should be increasing over time due to improved technology such as DNA, video, and cell phones as tracking devices.
For most groups in America, this has been somewhat true over time. But clearance rates for homicides with black victims have dropped from over 80% in the mid-1970s to under 60% during the Ferguson Era, according to this graph from the Murder Accountability Project: Tracking America’s Unsolved Homicides. [...]
Jill Leovy’s Ghettoside documents the significance of witness-murdering in South-Central Los Angeles in keeping murders from being cleared.
One implication is that if homicides with black victims are now about a 1/3rd less likely to be cleared than homicides with non-black victims, what does that imply for the Obama Administration’s Bureau of Justice Statistics’ 2011 finding that blacks were about 7.6 times more likely than whites/Hispanics to be “homicide offenders”?
A popular theory would be that most of these black victims with uncleared murders were murdered by roving lynch mobs of white MAGA-hatted smirkers in league with the homicide detectives.
A more realistic assumption is that most of the black victims whose murders are uncleared were murdered by fellow blacks. If true, this would make the ratio of homicides committed by blacks relative to non-blacks even higher.[...]
Germans, but not refugees, get prosecuted for shoplifting and property damage. This obviously distorts the crime statistics to make refugees look better. &&this is also blatantly dishonest &&&
In Kiel, for example, some are more equal than others. The leadership of the police department and high-ranking public prosecutors have seriously agreed not to prosecute refugees without identity papers for "simple / low-threshold offenses" such as shoplifting and property damage. So that means: Germans are charged with shoplifting, migrants not. [translation of German Handelsblatt article below]
Artikel 3 des Grundgesetzes ist ebenso einfach wie eindeutig: „Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich.“ Doch Deutschland behandelt diesen Grundsatz derzeit wie ein Buffet der Befindlichkeit, als sei Artikel 3 eine Pizza Mista, auf der sich einige ihre Individual-Oliven herauspicken dürfen, anderen aber die Peperoni von Übergriffen ertragen müssen.
In Kiel zum Beispiel sind einige gleicher als andere. Die dortige Führung der Polizeidirektion und hochrangige Vertreter der Staatsanwaltschaft haben sich ernsthaft darauf verständigt, Flüchtlinge ohne Ausweispapiere bei „einfachen/niedrigschwelligen Delikten“ wie Ladendiebstahl und Sachbeschädigung regelmäßig nicht strafrechtlich zu verfolgen. Heißt also: Deutsche werden bei Ladendiebstahl belangt, Migranten nicht. [Handelsblatt]
Ex-Beamter über BKA-Zahlen: „Flüchtlingskriminalität wird kleingerechnet“:
So wurden 2015 bundesweit 208.000 durch Flüchtlinge begangene Straftaten gemeldet. Die Politik und beinahe die gesamte Medienlandschaft haben es jedoch unterlassen darauf hinzuweisen, dass NRW, Hamburg und Bremen für diese Studie keine Straftaten von Flüchtlingen gemeldet haben.“
Dabei seien gerade diese Bundesländer verpflichtet, insgesamt 25 Prozent aller Asylbewerber in Deutschland aufzunehmen. „Nach meinen Berechnungen haben Flüchtlinge 2015 270.000 Straftaten begangen, für 2016 wurden bis jetzt Zahlen für die ersten drei Quartale durch das BKA gemeldet. Hochgerechnet auf das Gesamtjahr 2016 werden wir bei 286.000 Straftaten durch Flüchtlinge liegen“, behauptet er unter Verweis auf Quellenangaben und Recherchen für sein neues Buch „No-Go-Areas – Wie der Staat vor der Ausländerkriminalität kapituliert“.
Anstatt angezeigte Straftaten aufzunehmen oder Tatverdächtige zu berücksichtigen, sei hier eine neue Umschreibung entworfen worden: die der „aufgeklärten Straftaten“.
Dazu der BKA-Pressedienst: „Die polizeilichen Ermittlungen in den zugrunde liegenden Fällen dauern vielfach noch an. Die Datenbasis ist folglich nicht abschließend und unterliegt deutlichen Schwankungen. Belastbare Aussagen zur bundesweiten Kriminalitätsentwicklung 2016 und ein Vergleich mit dem Jahr davor seien somit erst auf Basis der Zahlen der PKS (Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik) 2016 im Mai 2017 möglich", betont die Behörde.
Laut Schubert haben in die Studie zudem auch nur jene Täter Eingang gefunden, deren rechtmäßige Personalien zweifelsfrei feststehen würden. Dies bestätigt sich tatsächlich in einem Zitat aus dem Bundeslagebild: „Straftaten, die durch Tatverdächtige mit positiv abgeschlossenem Asylverfahren (international Schutzberechtigte und Asylberechtigte) begangen wurden, werden nicht berücksichtigt, da Personen mit diesem Aufenthaltsstatus nicht gesondert in der PKS erfasst werden, sondern unter dem Sammelbegriff ‚sonstiger erlaubter Aufenthalt‘“.
Als Beispiel dafür führt Schubert die Sex-Attacken während der Kölner Silvesternacht vor einem
Jahr an: „Im Oktober 2016 wurde im Düsseldorfer Landtag bekannt, dass von den mehr als 500 angezeigten Sexualdelikten bis jetzt lediglich 17 in die Statistik aufgenommen wurden. Der Rest ist verschwunden.“ Rein statistisch habe der Kölner Sexmob nach Faktenlage des NRW-Innenministeriums also nie stattgefunden. „Für mich persönlich ist übrigens ‚Einzelfall‘ das Unwort des Jahres. Denn damit versuchen Politik und Medien das wahre Ausmaß von der Ausländer- sowie Flüchtlingskriminalität zu verschleiern und zu verharmlosen“, so der Ex-Polizist.
Der Innenminister von Nordrhein-Westfalen Ralf Jäger (SPD) hatte zuvor erklärt, dass die Daten erst in der PKS erfasst würden, und auch nur dann, wenn sie ausermittelt und an die Staatsanwaltschaft weitergeleitet worden seien. Außerdem bilde die Statistik nur schweres Kriminalitätsgeschehen ab, betonte der Politiker. „Auf solche Manipulationen bin ich bei meinen Buch-Recherchen fortlaufend gestoßen. Ein Skandal jagt den Nächsten, aber kein Politiker wird zur Verantwortung gezogen, kein Minister tritt zurück“, schließt Schubert.
Ausländerkriminalität im »ersten sozialistischen Staat auf deutschem Boden«
Historiker wie Harry Waibel haben sich bisher „politisch korrekt“ nur für Gewalttaten gegen Ausländer interessiert, von denen sie über 700 zählten – davon zwölf mit tödlichem Ausgang. Allerdings konnten viele Fälle dieser Art bis heute nicht abschließend aufgeklärt werden, sodass fraglich ist, ob tatsächlich Mord oder Totschlag vorlag.
Die von Waibel akribisch aufgelisteten Vorkommnisse zeigen fast immer das gleiche aufschlussreiche Schema: Zuerst belästigten die alkoholisierten und stets gruppenweise auftretenden Ausländer auf Volksfesten oder Tanzveranstaltungen deutsche Frauen und attackierten dann die zu Hilfe kommenden einheimischen Männer mit Messern, Knüppeln und dergleichen. Daraufhin eskalierte die Situation, weil aufgebrachte DDR-Jugendliche nun zur handgreiflichen Gegenwehr schritten. Besonders häufig gingen die Angriffe dabei von algerischen, mosambikanischen und kubanischen Vertragsarbeitern aus, unter denen es daher auch die meisten Opfer durch Notwehr oder nachfolgende Selbstjustiz seitens der Deutschen gab.
Dass es überhaupt so weit kommen konnte, resultierte daher, dass die Probleme, die es mit bestimmten Ausländergruppen gab, systematisch unter den Tisch gekehrt wurden und entsprechende Beschwerden ins Leere liefen. So fand die 16-jährige Oberschülerin aus Spergau bei Merseburg, welche im Januar 1976 eine Unterschriftensammlung organisierte, kein Gehör bei der Obrigkeit, als sie die Ausweisung der im Ort lebenden Algerier forderte, weil sich die Frauen und Mädchen abends kaum mehr auf die Straße trauen konnten. Diese Ignoranz gegenüber den Bürgern bezeichnete die Staatssicherheit später zerknirscht als schweren Fehler
Die schlimmsten Gewalttaten gegen Deutsche begingen allerdings nicht algerische Messerstecher oder Schläger aus Kuba oder Mosambik, sondern Angehörige der Gruppe der Sowjetischen Streitkräfte in Deutschland (GSSD), von denen sich zeitweise bis zu einer halben Million gleichzeitig in der DDR aufhielten. Diese Soldaten der Roten Armee verübten allein im Zeitraum zwischen 1976 und 1989 um die 27500 schwere Delikte, darunter auch viele gegen Leib und Leben. Beispielsweise erschlugen Sowjetsoldaten 1984 in Wusterwitz bei Brandenburg zwei ältere Deutsche, um deren Fahrräder zu erbeuten – dabei muss es zugegangen sein wie im Mai 1945 nach dem Einmarsch der „Befreier“. Bei anderen Raubüberfällen kamen sogar Kriegswaffen zum Einsatz. Als sich der Neuruppiner Udo Gentikow Ende der 80er Jahre erfolgreich gegen zwei Russen zur Wehr setzte, die ihm das Auto stehlen wollten, warfen diese eine Handgranate auf das Fahrzeug. Statistiker der Staatssicherheit zählten außerdem rund 60 Vergewaltigungen pro Jahr, bei denen manchmal gleich mehrere Rotarmisten gemeinsam über das Opfer herfielen.
Oftmals blieben die Täter hernach unbehelligt, weil man seitens der GSSD die Ermittlungen der DDR-Polizei blockierte, obwohl ein Abkommen aus dem Jahre 1957 existierte, das genau das untersagte. Diese Praxis veranlasste den ansonsten recht moskauhörigen Chef der Staatssicherheit, Erich Mielke, Anfang 1984 zu einem geharnischten Protest an die Adresse des damaligen Oberkommandierenden der GSSD, Armeegeneral Michail Saizew.
Fake News: Die Lügen der Regierung über die BKA Vergewaltigungsstatistik zu Muslimen
Analysis of the lies of the German federal police statistics about low criminality of refugees
[...] Rechenbeispiel:
Vergewaltigung durch Ausländer: 1.952
Vergewaltigung durch deutsche Staatsangehörige (inklusive Einbürgerungen) 3.9441.952 sind weniger Fälle als 3.944, daher ist die Aussage, Ausländer vergewaltigen “weniger” als Deutsche statistisch nicht falsch
Auch wenn nicht eimal 10% der Bevölkerung für einen Großteil aller Taten verantwortlich sind, nützt die Regierung und ihre Handlanger dieses “Schlupfloch” um die Bevölkerung ganz bewusst zu täuschen. Dabei ist diese Täuschung so offensichtlich, dass sie mit der Wahrheit nichts mehr zu tun hat und eine glatte Lüge darstellt. Echte Fake News sozusagen.
Ausländer TOP 10 Ranking BKA- Statistik
Doch schauen wir weiter, ist es denn legitim wie BDK Vorsitzender Fiedler zu behaupten, es gäbe keinen Anhalt anzunehmen, dass “Flüchtlinge” bei Tötungsdelikten, Gewaltdelikten insbesondere Sexualdelikten und “vielen mehr” häufiger in Erscheinung treten als Deutsche, mehr noch, zu behaupten, sie seien “unterrepräsentiert” in der Kriminalstatistik? Wir fragten einen Wissenschaftler, Dr. M der an einer Universität forscht, sein tägliches Brot ist es, Publikationen zu zerrupfen und auf Sinnhaftigkeit zu prüfen. Hierzu schauen wir uns zunächst die TOP 10 der nichtdeutschen Tatverdächtigen doch mal an. Dabei fällt auf, dass die Verdächtigen, bis auf Polen, allesamt aus muslimischen Ländern stammen, angeführt von Syrern. Die Tatverdächtigen stammen also genau aus den Ländern, deren Emmigranten in Deutschland Asyl beantragen. Zudem stieg bis zum Jahr 2014 die Zahl der Tatverdächtigen kontinuierlich und langsam an, etwa um 10%. Im Jahr 2015 erhöhte sich die Zahl der Tatverdächtigen ganz plötzlich um fast das Doppelte, nämlich von 538- auf knapp 912 Tausend. Dies ist, außer mit einem Berechnungsfehler, nur mit dem beginnenden massiven Zustrom arabischer Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge im Jahr 2015 zu erklären. Also war es eine dreiste LÜGE. Leider ergibt die Auflistung keine Aufschlüsselung nach Deliktarten, also haben wir einfach mal in einem Bundesland nachgeschaut, um auch die weitere Aussage hinsichtlich der Sexualstraftaten als Lüge zu entlarven. Werden auch hier die muslimischen Länder repräsentiert sein, deren Bürger seit Jahren als Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge nach Deutschland strömen? Wir sind hoch gespannt. Doch Dr. M. hat auch hier eine klare Antwort:
Sexualstraftaten nach Herkunftsland, Quelle: PKS Hessen
Der Vorsitzende des BDK Fiedler hat ganz klar dreist gelogen
Denn auch in Hessen fällt ebenfalls auf, dass nach Sexualstraftaten aufgeschlüsselt alle Straftäter innerhalb der Abbildung genau aus den Herkunftsländern stammen, deren Bürger in Deutschland Asyl beantragten. Allesamt der in der Grafik führenden Länder haben gemein, dass die dort vorherrschende Staatsreligion der Islam ist. Zudem findet sich in der Grafik kein Deutscher. In Hessen haben die Sexualdelikte im Jahr 2015 um mehr als 100% in diesem Bereich zugenommen. Vergleicht man allein die überfallsartigen Gruppenvergewaltigungen in Hessen zwischen 2014 und 2015 sind die angezeigten Zahlen in nur 12 Monaten von 5 auf 12 Fälle auf insgesamt 240% gestiegen.
In Hessen sind die überfallsartigen Gruppenvergewaltigungen auf 240% gestiegen. Sie wurden wohl ausschließlich durch muslimische Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge verübt. Die BKA Statistik ist zudem lückenhaft und frisiert, eigentlich ist alles noch viel schlimmer.
Die wahren Zahlen dürften aber noch viel höher liegen. Die Statistiken werden nämlich seit langem schon seitens der Behörden schönfrisiert. Wir haben nachfolgend einen Merkkasten mit den häufigsten Tricks der Vertuschung und Schönrechnung bereitgestellt. Bei der BKA Statistik 2015 fehlt das muslimreichste Bundesland Nordrhein Westfalen komplett, aber auch Bremen und Hamburg sind nicht eingeflossen, beides Stadtstaaten die für ihren extrem hohen Muslimanteil bekannt sind. Insbesondere schwerwiegend ist zudem, dass alle Deutsch Türken und Albaner mit doppeltem Pass, die seit Jahrzehnten wehrlose Frauen überfallen und vergewaltigen, als “Deutsche” in der Statistik erfasst werden, damit aus der Ausländerkriminalität herausfallen und zudem die Statistik der deutschen Bevölkerung negativ beeinflussen und in die Höhe treiben. Ebenso werden Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge ohne Pass nicht als Ausländer, sondern als Staatenlose erfasst und fallen somit wieder aus der Statistik. 80% der ermittelten Täter der überfallsartigen Gruppenvergewaltigungen in Hessen waren nicht Deutsch, ob der eine verbleibende Täter (20%) staatenlos oder Muslim mit deutschem Pass gewesen ist, geht aus der Hessischen Statistik nicht hervor. Nach unseren Berechnungen dürften 97% der überfallsartigen Gruppenvergewaltigungen die seit dem ungebremsten arabischen Zustrom in Deutschland und Österreich massenhaft auftreten durch Muslime begangen werden.
So werden die Statistiken frisiert:
Zusammenfassen von Überfallsvergewaltigungen unter dem Sammelbegriff “Sexualstraftat”, der auch familiären Missbrauch beinhaltet, statt der Aufschlüsselung nach einzelnen Vergewaltigungsarten die Flüchtlinge als Täter entlarven. einzelne Bundesländer oder Datensätze fehlen komplett und werden unterschlagen, dadurch fließen wichtige Daten nicht ein Verwendung absoluter Zahlen statt Pro Kopf Berechnung Häufig angewandt ist das nicht Einbeziehen von Flüchtlingstaten durch Flüchtlinge, die zuvor ihre Pässe zerrissen haben (etwa 80% ) und demnach als staatenlos gelten. Ebenso beliebt ist es die Fälle herauszurechnen, in denen das Verfahren eingestellt wird, da die Täter nicht zu ermitteln sind, die Täterbeschreibung aber klar auf einen Muslim hinweist. So wurden beispielsweise nur 17 der 500 Anzeigen aus Köln erfasst. Ein weiterer Trick besteht darin, Gruppenvergewaltigungen, an denen eine Vielzahl an Sex-Mob Tätern beteiligt sind, als nur eine Straftat zu werten, obgleich nicht selten dutzende Männer im Mob über deutsche Mädchen herfallen, sie nacheinander und zeitgleich vergewaltigen, wie zuletzt bei einer bekannt gewordenen Gruppenvergewaltigung einer Deutschen in Wien. Ein weiterer Trick ist es, flüchtlingstypische Sexualstraftaten in völlig andere Bereiche zuzuordnen, etwa “Beleidigung” oder “Körperverletzung” Der überaus am häufigsten angewandte Trick ist jedoch, alle Migranten (insbesondere Deutsch Tüken und Albaner) mit doppelter Staatsangehörigkeit als “Deutsche Staatsbürger” oder “Deutsche” zu bezeichnen, damit fallen sie komplett aus der Aufschlüsselung nach Nationalitäten heraus und erhöhen sogar den Vergewaltigungsanteil der deutschen Bevölkerung
Doch wie kommt ein bislang angesehener Polizist dazu, anderen so frech in die Tasche zu lügen? Hierzu muss man wissen, aus welchem Bundesland dieser Mann stammt. Er kommt aus NRW, einem Land, in dem bis heute Straftaten durch Muslime per Regierungsanweisung vertuscht werden. Viele Opfer werden dort von der Polizei nach Vergewaltigungen nach Hause geschickt, mit der Begründung, man solle das lieber für sich behalten, das könne doch jeder behaupten, damit komme man nicht weit. Oft kam erst durch die Presse die Polizeiarbeit ins rollen. Fiedler kommt aus dem Land, in dem bis heute durch Ministerpräsidentin Hannelore Kraft Akten zu den Sexattacken an Silvester 2015 gesperrt bleiben. Schlicht, er kommt aus einer Hochburg der Vertuschung und der multikulti- Illusion unter den sogenannten “Öko Eliten” und steht selbst im Dienst für eben diese Dienstherren.
Bereits vor einiger Zeit sickerte durch, dass die Polizeistatistiken in ganz Deutschland geschönt sind, die Wortwahl soll so getroffen werden, dass sie gezielt verharmlosend ist und Vorurteile der Bevölkerung nicht bestätigt. Doch was tun, wenn eben diese Vorurteile wie jetzt gezeigt wahr sind und die Wirklichkeit noch viel schlimmer ist, als es die Menschen ohnehin schon spüren? Der Chef der Polizeigewerkschaft Wendt warf den Landesregierungen vor, Vergewaltigungen durch arabische Flüchtlinge systematisch herunterzuspielen. Dies dürfte nach unserem Bericht nun als erwiesen gelten, es ist nur bedauerlich, dass keines der hochbezahlten großen Medien hierzu jemals einen Investigativartikel verfasst hat. Vielleicht ändert sich die Berichterstattung ja nun, mit Ihrer Hilfe. Sagen sie es weiter und machen sie diesen Fake News der Regierung und dem Leid der mittlerweile huntertausenden Opfer im deutschsprachigen Raum und Nordeuropa endlich ein Ende!
[Source: Fake News: Die Lügen der Regierung über die BKA Vergewaltigungsstatistik zu Muslimen ]
Police gag order
Original text still exists as of April 2020
Ministerialblatt (MBl. NRW.)
Ausgabe 2009 Nr. 2 vom 27.1.2009 Seite 19 bis 34
Leitlinien für die Polizei des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen zum Schutz nationaler Minderheiten vor Diskriminierungen RdErl. d. Innenministeriums v. 15.12.2008 |
zum Schutz nationaler Minderheiten vor Diskriminierungen
RdErl. d. Innenministeriums v. 15.12.2008
Daten und Software sind urheberrechtlich und wettbewerbsrechtlich geschützt. Verantwortlich für die Publikation: die Redaktion im Ministerium für Inneres und Kommunales NRW. |
Original text still exists as of April 2020
Ministerialblatt (MBl. NRW.)
Edition 2009 No. 2 from January 27, 2009 Pages 19 to 34
Guidelines for the Police of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for the Protection of National Minorities from Discrimination RdErl. D. Ministry of the Interior v. December 15, 2008 |
Guidelines for the Police of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
to protect national minorities from discrimination
RdErl . d. Ministry of the Interior v. December 15, 2008
The Conference of Interior Ministers dealt with regulations for the protection of national minorities against the use of discriminatory minority names by police authorities. I issue the following guidelines for the police authorities of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia:
1. The Basic Law, the State Constitution and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) prohibit people, among others . disadvantage because of their lineage, race, language, origin or belief. In addition, the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities prohibits any discrimination on grounds of belonging to a national minority.
2nd The police of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia organize their actions and demeanor in accordance with appropriate minority protection. Without prejudice to their legal obligation to authentically document information from third parties in advertisements, interrogations or reports, the police of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia do not use stigmatization, categorization or general terms for people or replacement names chosen for them.
3rd Membership in a minority is only mentioned in the internal and external reporting if it is absolutely necessary for understanding an issue or for establishing a factual reference.
4th The form and content of internal and external police language use must be kept in such a way that they do not discriminate or stir up prejudices.
5. The police of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia avoid internal and external use of any terminology that can be misused or converted by third parties to devalue people or interpreted in their meaning.
6. Media information only contains references to the participation of national minorities if there is an overwhelming interest in information or an investigative interest in individual cases.
- MBl . NRW. 2009 p. 20
Data and software are protected by copyright and competition law. Responsible for the publication: the editorial office in the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia.