Politically Incorrect Google Search(pig)!
A Google Search that yields the juicy interesting search results instead of boring Main Stream Media lies! Try it to believe it!
Look for your home town to see minority crime and other issues the main stream media don't tell you. Look for topics like "race and IQ", "black crime", your home city's name,
If you don't see your results, please go here to search → without popups

Politisch Inkorrekte Google Suche (pigs) in German →
The German PIGS search has instructions how you can MIRROR the PIGS search [Politically incorrect google search (pig) site list →]. This might be important in case the original pigs search gets blocked by google.
Comparisons of PIG (politically incorrect Google search) vs. regular Google search follow below
Above the politically incorrect google search,
below the normal google search results
Politically incorrect google search (pig) site list →
Please check the site list and help proposing larger lists of relevant politically incorrect sites. You may use the disqus list below
((This list is incomplete, we will post a more complete list soon)
Politically incorrect google search (pig) site list →