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White Genocide vs. Tibetan Rights #1

Europans in Europe don't have the rights of Tibetans, nor of indigenous people, to have their culture, religion, and biological diversity preserved.

See Part 1: White Genocide #1

White Genocide quotes #2

Indigenous White Genocide #3

White population shrinkage world wide Genocide #4



Are Tibetans who oppose their genocide "Tibetan supremacists ...  

The Dalai Lama often speaks about the dangers of mass immigration of the Chinese into Tibet.

Tibetan Genocide Dalai Lama

“…the unabated influx of Chinese immigrants to Tibet, which has the effect of overwhelming Tibet’s distinct cultural and religious identity and reducing the Tibetans to an insignificant minority in their own country, amount to a policy of cultural genocide.”

In White countries it is quite similar, however rather than being forced by a group outside of our countries to accept White genocide, we are forced by anti-Whites within our countries to accept White genocide.

White Genocide always comes in a disguise – “diversity” is the most common excuse anti-Whites use these days…but diversity is just a code word for White genocide – that’s it and nothing more. [Source: Dalai Lama]

See also Unequal treatment, unequal rights

Regarding the following article:
Imagine also anyone saying that Tibetan schools with too few Chinese students and too many Tibetans should get funds cut.

Yes, whites really are persecuted in America

Posted on March 28, 2017 by jewamongyou

Reprinted in Full with permission

If you’re still in denial over the persecution of whites in the United States, this should wake you up from your slumber. Hat tip to Mekong Delta69 (in a comment at Amren).

According to Eyewitness News ABC a school is facing budget cuts because it has too many white students.


Outrage has grown at Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, as the school faces layoffs and increased class sizes due to a law limiting funds for schools with a higher white student body.

The Los Angeles Unified School District provides more funding for schools where the white population is below 30 percent.

In a letter to parents, the district noted the highly regarded middle school had been above the percentage for the past couple years.

The racial formula was a condition imposed by court decisions dealing with desegregation in the 1970s.

When a government uses its money or resources to penalize institutions for having too many of a particular ethnicity or race, it’s hard to deny that genocidal policies are in place. Could you imagine the uproar if a school were to lose funding due to having too many black, or Hispanic, students? We’d never hear the end of it. Here’s an excerpt from the definition of genocide from preventgenocide.org:

“Article II: In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group…

Forcible transfer of children may be imposed by direct force or by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or other methods of coercion. The Convention on the Rights of the Child defines children as persons under the age of 18 years.

Of interest here is (e) “Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” We might interpret “transfer” as something absolute and irreversible. In other words forced adoption and kidnapping. Can coercing children to attend public schools be considered “forcible transfer?” More on this later.

You can read many accounts of American boarding schools for Native Americans, both in the United States and Canada. There are several accusations that are made: That children were subject to physical and sexual abuse. That they were sometimes dehumanized, and referred to as numbers rather than by name. That the education they received was rudimentary, focusing on vocational skills as the expense of more academic subjects. But the greatest concern seems to have been the forced estrangement from their native cultures. As one account puts it:

In 1945, Bill Wright, a Pattwin Indian, was sent to the Stewart Indian School in Nevada. He was just 6 years old. Wright remembers matrons bathing him in kerosene and shaving his head. Students at federal boarding schools were forbidden to express their culture — everything from wearing long hair to speaking even a single Indian word. Wright said he lost not only his language, but also his American Indian name.

“I remember coming home and my grandma asked me to talk Indian to her and I said, ‘Grandma, I don’t understand you,’ ” Wright says. “She said, ‘Then who are you?’ ”

Wright says he told her his name was Billy. ” ‘Your name’s not Billy. Your name’s ‘TAH-rruhm,’ ” she told him. “And I went, ‘That’s not what they told me.’ ”

According to Tsianina Lomawaima, head of the American Indian Studies program at the University of Arizona, the intent was to completely transform people, inside and out.

“Language, religion, family structure, economics, the way you make a living, the way you express emotion, everything,” says Lomawaima.

Lomawaima says from the start, the government’s objective was to “erase and replace” Indian culture, part of a larger strategy to conquer Indians.

If we were to ignore all the other accusations, and focus exclusively on the theft of their cultures, would it still be considered “genocide?” I think so; any policy whose goal is to degrade. diminish, marginalize or dispossess a specific group of people is, in my opinion, genocidal.

Even in the absence of overt brutality, for a government to say “we’re going to reduce your funding because you have too many students of such and such a race” is a genocidal policy – even if reducing white students to minority status had NO effect, whatsoever, on their safety and wellbeing.

But, even though individual experiences will vary widely, forcing white children to attend school with large numbers of blacks and Hispanics does reduce their safety. Black and Hispanic crime rates are far higher than those of whites and Asians. This was my own personal experience, and the experience of many others. Just ask this 14-year-old girl.

Then there’s the issue of anti-white curricula. There is a lot of emphasis, in public schools, on the history and culture of non-whites, but no corresponding emphasis on white American culture (most American whites are mutts, with no specific European national origin). Assemblies are held in honor of non-white groups. My brother, who was a high school teacher, told me of one such assembly, which was for “boys of color.” It specifically excluded whites. He told his students that any of them were welcome to attend, and that’s great – but there was no such assembly in honor of white boys. A high school near where I live recently assigned “white privilege” homework to its students. How do you suppose this made white students feel, especially the ones who happened to be poor, and were NOT privileged? Going back to my earlier question: Can coercion to attend public schools be considered “forcible transfer” in the context of genocide? In my opinion, the answer is “yes” if a goal and result of such schooling is to alter the child’s perception of his own heritage for the worse. American public schools are obviously geared toward this end when it comes to white students.

What would it take for the elites of this country to make the connection between how whites are denigrated at schools and the high suicide rates among white adults? If Native Americans continue to suffer from the abuse of boarding schools decades after the fact, why would whites be any different?



See Part #2 White Genocide #2


Reprinted in Full with permission from Y
es, whites really are persecuted in America